Tag Archives: clothes

Clothes Line Relay

Number of Players: two equal teams of any number
Location: open area able to accommodate the entire group
Materials: clothesline, clothes

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sack of clothes. Place an equal number of clothes in each sack and of the same type. You could choose a shirt, a cap, a pair of socks and trousers. At the command the first player of each team runs with the sack to the clothes line and pins all items on the clothesline and returns to his team. The next person must run to the clothes line, put on all the clothes and return to his team where he removes them and places them in the sack. Repeat until all team members have gone with the first team to do so being declared the victors!

Can be used for a lesson about putting on the armor of God, putting on the new self in Christ, etc.

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