

By Bob Perks famous for his “I Wish You Enough” newsletter. Join it. You’ll love it.


I think of all the questions we ask, “Why?” may be the the most powerful.

We ask it of God…”Why?”

Then we wait patiently expecting an answer.

He does answer, but most of the time we choose not to hear Him.

It’s a filter we humans have that helps us to only hear what we want to hear.

When I ask God “Why?” I hear Him say, “Why not?”

I believe He does it because he created us to think on our own.

It forces us to come to a decision, react to it and do something about it.

But…We don’t always do something about it.

“Why?” Because taking action gets us involved. Getting involved is
not our first choice. We always want to know “Why?” but we also want
to know who to blame. Blaming someone else is easier than taking on
the challenge ourselves.

“God, why did that happen?”

“Why not?” God says.

“Someone should do something about that!” we respond.

God says, “You are someone.”

“Why me?”

God says, “Why not?”

Then we stop asking God and lose faith.

Why? Because when we don’t get the answer we want, it must mean that
God doesn’t exist. The God we want to believe in gives you everything you

No, my friend.

He gives you everything you need.

But He expects you to go get it.

Look around you right now. Everything you see was once simply a thought.
The chairs, tables, rugs, computer, lights…everything.

Everything also came from the earth. God created the earth and everyone in
it…including you.

So, everything came from someone who asked, “Why?” heard, “Why not?”
but the difference was, they did something about it.

The next time you ask God, “Why?” expect to get involved with the solution.

“Why not?”

“I wish you enough!”

Personal Note: “Why?” and “Why am I here?” Are two of the most often asked questions from youth. This is a great response for youth leaders to answer those two questions. Bob has a lot of insightful thoughts on the Christian walk that I Find very useful when working with Youth. Check out his website at www.bobperks.com

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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