Tag Archives: fruitfulness

Autumn Leaves

In the autumn season, the leaves on the trees start changing colors. Depending on where you live you can see vibrant red, orange, yellow and brown leaves. And there still might be some green ones around as well. Soon they will detach themselves from the tree and fall to the ground. So we also call this season the Fall. But the leaves also serve as a spiritual object lesson.

What You Need

  • Collect a variety of autumn leaves, at least one for each youth, of different sizes, shapes, colors.

What to do

  1. Display the leaves.
  2. Have each youth select a leaf that represents him or herself in some way.
  3. Ask the youth to describe every detail about their leaves to a partner. Have a couple of volunteers share the description with the group as a whole. You could aso have them tell the life story of the leaf in a creative way. What things has it endured? What things did it get to see / enjoy from its perch on the tree, how it lived through the seasons, and finally how it fell and ended up here.
  4. Ask each youth to display the leaf and share one thing about the leaf that is also true of them.

Observations for discussion

Every leaf has a life story. Leaves are temporary, different shapes, scarred, different colors, alive, dead, attached, detached, dry, moist, light, heavy, different sizes, different leaf patterns and veins, different ages, they change, some are blown away, others cling to the tree, some are brittle, others are flexible, rough, smooth, piled up, alone, they bring shade, reach for the sun, draw from the root, etc.



Psalm 1 teaches us some lessons about trees, and says we are like trees. Read Psalm 1 from the Bible.

  • How does God describe the wicked in Psalm 1 and how is similar to the Autumn leaves? (Like debris blown away by the wind, unable to stand, they will die.)
  • How does God describe the Righteous in Psalm 1 and how is this similar to a tree planted by the water? (Blessed, happy, delighted, like leaves that do not doesn’t wither)
  • What truths can we learn from Psalm 1?
  • What is the difference between them that leads to the different outcome?


  • What are the ways that youth draw closer to God, to be refreshed and strengthened by Him, to grow strong and fruitful, to not whither, but be full of life? Why is it important?


  • What will you do this week to draw closer to God, to be refreshed and strengthened by Him, to grow strong and fruitful, to not whither, but be full of life?


“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” – Psalm 1

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Jesus – The Source

During the summer, a lot of youth ministries have outdoor activities. If you are near a park or area with a lot of trees, why not add this outdoor Bible study to your outing to stimulate some spiritual discussions and point the youth to Christ!


An Outdoor Object Lesson

This object lesson will guide youth to compare our relationship with Christ to that of a tree and it’s branches.

What you Need

  • A blanket or ground sheet for each group


  1. Find a place outdoors where there are several trees. Fruit trees amke for a better illustration, but other trees can work just as well.
  2. Ask the youth to form groups of 3 to 5 persons. Give each group a blanket, and have each group choose a tree.
  3. Ask the groups to lay the ground sheet at the base of the tree, and lie down on the blanket, on their backs, looking up at the tree.

What to Say

1. Imagine the tree you are under represents Christ and his followers.

  • Which part of the tree you are looking at would represent Christ? Explain.
  • Which part of the tree would represent his followers? Explain.

2. Look at the branches of the tree. Are there any dead branches or branches that look like they are dying? Any branches that need to be cut off?

  • What causes branches to die?
  • How can a follower become spiritually dead, like one of the dead branches?

3. Are there any branches that look more alive than others? Move vibrant? More green? Have new growth?

  • What leads to new growth for us as Christians?

4. How can you tell if a tree like this is reproducing? Are there sprouts, flowers, seeds, or fruit?

  • In what ways do we reproduce spiritually?
  • In what ways are you growing and reproducing spiritually?

Take it to the Next Level

  1. Instruct the youth to find a branch that represents him or her in some way and bring it back to the group as a whole next to the biggest tree. Ask the youth to take a closer look at the branch, then have all youths to toss all the branches into one big pile.
  2. Ask the youth to pair up. In turn each youth will describe his or her branch, every little detail they can remember about it to his or her partner so that the partner, from th description will be able to identify the correct branch in the pile and bring it back. When the partner returns with the branch, if it is correct, they switch roles and now the other youth describes his or her branch. If the branch is incorrect it is returned to the pile to try again.
  3. One both youth have gotten the branch back they must each explain the ways they are similar to the branch in a spiritual sense. Responses may vary in depth and insight depending on how comfortable youth are with each other.
  4. Share from John 15, the vine and the branches then ask youth to share some ways that a person can be more spiritually alive.
  5. Ask the youth to share something each can do this week to be closer to Christ and to be more alive in the Christian walk.
  6. End by having the groups form one big circle around the biggest, most fruitful, most vibrant tree and pray that like the tree they will grown strong in Christ, drawing from the source, and producing abundant fruit that will last.


Main Scripture Passage: John 15:1-17

Key Verse: John 15: 5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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