A Whale of a Tale


I. God says “effect”, Jonah says “defect.” (1:1-3)
Looking at Jonah.

1. Why did God send Jonah to Ninevah?
a. for a vacation.
b. so Jonah could get away from his family
c. God had something for him to accomplish
d. To test Jonah’s obedience
e. To punish Jonah’s disobedience
f. Jonah had some free time to waste.
g. God didn’t send Jonah, this is an allegory
h. God wanted to give the Ninevites a chance to bake Jonah in the sun.
i. God needed a messenger & chose Jonah
j. God needed some fishbait!
k. to direct the Ninevites away from their path toward destruction.
l. Jonah could get his relationship right w/ God

2. How do you think Jonah felt after hearing “the word of the Lord” instructing him to go to Ninevah?
a. betrayed
b. confused
c. scared
d. Why me?
e. angry
f. skeptical
g. confident
h. uncomfortable
i. unenthusiastic
j. unprepared
k. unqualified
l. unnecessary
m. content where he is
n. incapable of the task
o. “I’ll make a fool of myself”
p. “I don’t want to make waves.”
q. “I don’t see why it’s necessary.”
r. Other:___________________

3. Tarshish was about 2000 miles in the opposite direction of Ninevah. Why do you think Jonah ran way?
a. He was afraid of what would happen if he obeyed God.
b. He was afraid it would end his life if he obeyed
c. He thought he could get away from God.
d. He thought if he was gone, God might forget
e. He wasn’t ready to trust God that much yet
f. He was afraid of what friends would think
g. He thought God made a mistake.
h. He was rebellious.
i. He remembered something he had forgotten to do.
j. Obeying God was too difficult.
k. He didn’t want to give things up
l. He forgot about God’s task.

4. What do you think Jonah thought the consequences of his actions would be on himself? God? Ninevah?Others?

Looking at Ourselves
5. How do we as Christians hear “the word of the Lord” today?

6. Why is it important for Christians to hear and know what God is saying?

7. Is hearing God’s word and knowing God’s Word enough? Explain.

8. Why did you come to this camp?
a. for a vacation.
b. to get away from your family?
c. because God had something for you to get accomplished here?
d. because God wants to test you?
e. because God wants to punish you.
f. You had some free time to waste
g. You’re not really here. You’re day daydreaming
h. You wanted a chance to bake in the sun.
i. God needed a messenger and you were his choice
j. You came as fishbait!
k. to direct you away from your path toward destruction
l. So you could get your relationship right with God
m. Other ____________________________

9. What are some Ninevah’s to which God might send Christians today?

10. How do you feel after hearing “the word of the Lord” to go to your “Ninevah?”

11. How do people run away from God today?

12. In what areas of your life are you now running from God?

13. When you run away from what God wants you to do, why do you run away?

14. What do you think the consequences of your actions are on yourself? God? Others? Have there been times in the past when you ran away from something? What were the consequences?

15. Can someone really run away from God? Explain. (Psalm 139:7ff)

16. God wants to have an effect on the world using you in your “Ninevah”. Are you defecting from God’s plan for your life? God says effect, what do you say?

Click here to download the Teacher’s Guide for this first point in the Camp Bible study.

Click here to find out about the Camp Curriculum “A Whale of a Tale” on the book of Jonah.

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