

“…Sit down and think for a moment, please. Find a quiet spot in your dwelling, just for sixty seconds. Think–just think about the two statements…’you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow…’ and ‘…you do not know what a day may bring forth.’

Man’s knowledge seems impressive – awesome. We can split atoms, we can build skyscrapers, transplant kidneys, program computers, explore and explain outer space, and even unknot the problems of ecology. But when it comes to ‘tomorrow,’ our knowledge plunges to zero. Whoever you are. You may be a Ph.D.from Yale, you may be a genius in your field with an I.Q. above 170, marvelously gifted and totally capable in any number of advanced, technological specialities–but you simply ‘do not know’ what tomorrow will bring. Scientists may project, program, predict, deduct, deduce, and compute diagrams about the future. They’re still only guessing. In algebraic terms, tomorrow remains Factor X…. a mystery. It cannot be explained. It defies all attempts to be exposed. It lies hidden in the depths of God’s unfathomable, intricately interwoven plan. He has not been pleased to unveil it until this old earth spins sufficiently to see the dawn. And then…only one moment at a time…

This sort of thinking leads to an inevitable question: Are you ready? ‘Ready for what?’ you may ask. ‘Ready for anything’ is my answer. Is your trust, your attitude of dependence sufficiently stable to sustain you ‘regardless?’ Remember Job’s avalanch? Should your Lord be pleased to turn you into a Job, would He still be your Treasure and your Triumph? Don’t let the answer slip off your tongue too easily. Think about the implications of that question to your life, health, job, and family. Should your Lord make you an Enoch, would you be reluctant to make that eternal journey?

Thank the Lord, it is His ‘love’ that arranges our our tomorrows… and we may be certain that whatever it brings, His love sent it our way. That is why I smile every time I read Romans 11:33. Let it bring a smile into your world:

‘Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are His wisdom and knowledge and riches! How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and His methods! (TLB) ‘ ”

SOURCE: Charles R. Swindoll- “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life”

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

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