Tag Archives: names

Pet Introductions Icebreaker

Simple Icebreaker Ideas

People introduce themselves with their first pet’s name (or doll’s name if they didn’t have a pet) as their first name and the street they lived on as their second. If your first pet was a dog named “Lucky” and you lived on Cross Street, you would be Lucky Cross.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

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This Icebreaker is an excuse to have a little violence and learn the names of others in the group. There’s no application to it, but it is fun none-the-less.

Game Description
Sitting in a circle, names are called and the person in the center of the circle tries to “whack” them with a rolled up newspaper before they can call another name.

Game Materials
newspaper, tape

Game Preparation
Roll up the newspaper into a roll. The roll can be as hard or as soft as you like, but remember that people are gonna get “whacked” with it!

Game Play

    1. Sit everyone in a circle
    2. Choose one person to be “it” in the center of the circle. The person in the center of the circle gets the rolled up newspaper. Their objective is for the person in the middle to hit the person in the surrounding circle whose name has been called, before that person can call another name. (All hits must be on the legs only!)
    3. There are three rules regarding the names:
      • You cannot call the same person who called you
      • You cannot call the name of the person in the center of the circle, and
      • the name of the person you call must be present in the circle.
    4.  Begin with introductions: Each person in the circle gives their name and possibly one interesting fact about themselves. You can give them a question to answer like “What is your favorite ice-cream?” or questions related to a lesson you plan to do.
    5. After everyone has introduced themselves, explain the rules.
    6. Then call out the name of a person… i.e. “Ken”. Ken must call the name of another person in the circle BEFORE the person in the middle “Whacks” him with the newspaper.
    7. If the person called another name, that person must then call a name, continuing until someone gets “whacked” before they call a name or until someone breaks one of the rules or makes a mistake.
    8. When someone is “whacked” or breaks a rule / makes a mistake they must move to the center of the circle.
    9. The person who just came out of the circle begins the next round by calling a name.
    10. We usually play it so that if you end up in the center of the circle three times, you must perform some kind of “forfeit”such as sing a song, do a dance, tell a joke, etc.
    11. Continue until your time limit has been reached or the game starts to drag a little. Its always better to leave them wanting for more!

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Draw Your Name

Game Description
This is a fun icebreaker activity for youth that do not know each other at all. Youth will try to reveal their name to a partner merely by drawing. No other communication is allowed.

Game Materials
Whiteboard, chalkboard, or simply paper

Game Preparation

Game Play
Youth attempt to reveal their name to someone they DO NOT KNOW by using only drawings. This can be done one at a time before the group or in pairs. For someone who’s name is sandy this might be as simple as drawing a beach with sand. For someone like Stephanie it may involve several words like step+hand+knee = Stephanie. Others may prove very difficult.

Optional Discussion

  • Whose name do you think was most difficult to communicate? Why?
  • Would you prefer to see a photograph or hear the story?
  • Do you find it easier to express yourself in words or through images?
  • Have you ever felt handicapped in trying to communicate your faith?
  • In what ways is this activity similar to sharing your faith?
  • What concepts in sharing your faith are most difficult to communicate?

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Bang-Bang Your Dead!

gun_finger.jpgGroup Size:
 Groups of any size.

Time: 10 minutes

Applications: Learning Names


For the group to learn each others names. As people are eliminated they will have to learn the names of different persons on their left or right until only two participants remain for the final duel.


Circle up: All participants stand in a circle facing each other.

Introduce: Go around the circle having everyone introduce themselves by name.

Ready-Aim: Everyone makes a gun with their hands by interlocking the fingers together and pointing out their two index fingers.

BANG BANG: The game begins by the facilitator calling out the name of someone in the group. That person must quickly duck (squat down). The two people on either side of the person whose name was called fire their guns at him by pointing their guns in his or her direction and saying “Bang-Bang! Your’e Dead”.

Eliminate: If the named participant does not duck in time then he is the one shot dead and is eliminated. If he ducks in time, the participant on either his left or right who gets shot first is eliminated. Whoever is shot must dramatically die and then sits down in the centre of the circle and calls the next name. The game continues until only two participants remain.

Last Duel: When there are only two people left, they should stand back to back in the center of an open space. The facilitator then begins slowly counting from 1. With each number, the participants take one step forward. As soon as the facilitator skips a number, the two participants must turn around and shoot each other– “Bang-Bang You’re dead.” Whoever shoots first is the overall winner.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Story of Your Name

Everyone has stories, often fascinating ones, based around their names. Use this icebreaker to learn about the names of people in your group. This could also be used as a children’s sermon.

Divide participants into groups of 3-5 people and have each person take a turn telling the story of his/her name.

  • “Where does your name come from?”
  • “Do you like your name? Why or why not?”
  • “Do you know the meaning of your name?” Explain
  • “How did you get your name?”
  • “Why did your parents give you your first name or middle name?”
  • “Do you have any pet names / cute names your family or friends call you?”
  • “What nicknames have people given to you?”
  • ” What’s the story of your last name/ family name?”
  • “Where did it come from?”
  • “What do you know about your family name?”
  • “How far can you trace back your family tree?”
  • “What were some interesting people and events in your family history?”

People can share as much or as little information as they like.

Ask each group to share the most interesting story they heard.

Throughout the Bible God called people by name. Sometimes he even changed the name of people in the Bible to reflect their character and reinforce the decisions they made in following him. God knew Moses by name (Exodus 33:17). He called Jacob by name (Isaiah 43:1-3). God called Jeremiah before he was even born. (Jeremiah 1:5)

Psalms 139:14-18 tels us that God not only knows us by name, but our whole personal history was written before even one day came to pass. Jesus calls us each by name and guides us (John 10:3). Whatever your name, always remember God knows you by name and loves you. He has a plan for your life and your future if you will trust Him.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!