Is it enough?


Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” 

As I was getting ready to start my day today I began thinking about this story in the Bible where Jesus was at a house in Capernaum. So many people from the area had heard he was there and they began to show up in droves. The house was full as well as all around the outside of the house and Jesus was preaching the word to them.

While he was preaching some men showed up (four to be exact) and they were carrying a paralytic. They tried their best to get this man to Jesus because they had heard of his great healing power. They truly believed that Jesus could heal their friend. They just had one problem, trying to get through the crowd was like trying to cut through a stone wall. They’re were just way to many people and I’m sure none of them wanted to move out of the way. They all came to see the man that everyone was talking about. Maybe he would perform some miracle. They were not about to miss a miracle all because they took some time to let a paralytic and his friends through.

These men were not about to give up though instead they worked their way to the top of the house onto the roof. They began to dig a hole in the roof until finally they broke through. Slowly they lowered their friend down to the ground right in front of Jesus.

I can’t help but wonder what was going through the mind of the owner of this house. I mean if it was my house I think I would have been really mad because these guys just tore my roof apart but we don’t know because the owner is never mentioned. Maybe his anger was deterred by his curiosity. Maybe he was more anxious about seeing how Jesus would respond to the man who was lowered in front of him.

I’m sure everyone around was filled with excitement as this paralytic was put before Jesus. Now they would all get what they came for A Miracle! I’m sure the room got quiet as Jesus looked at this man and his friends. You could probably hear a pin drop as Jesus looked at the paralytic and said with all confidence “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

I can almost sense the mood change in the crowd after he said those words. I can imagine some of them feeling upset because all he said was your sins are forgiven. What your sins are forgiven! where’s the miracle?! we came here to see a miracle and all your offering is forgiveness. What if the story ended there? What if all Jesus did was forgive the man? I wonder what the outcome would have been then. They probably would have drug him from the house and stoned him to death. But it didn’t end there. Most of us know the ending. Jesus heals the man, he gets up and takes his mat and goes home and the people praise God.

The story just makes me wonder though…what if all Jesus had to offer us was that one act on the cross. What if all he ever did for us was offer his forgiveness? Would that be enough or would we like some of the people in the story above need more. I mean how much is enough? So many of us are happy Christians as long as we feel God is doing things in our lives or as long as we feel God is providing or giving us stuff. But what if all that stopped today. What if for whatever reason God just stopped giving. Would the cross still be enough? He really doesn’t have to give us anything else. But is what was already given enough?

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Robbie Heverling (
Used by Permission

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