Category Archives: Object Lessons

Object Lessons: Ken’s favorite word pictures to teach Biblical principles and stir the imagination of your youth. They also make great Children’s sermons. Christ often used them in his teaching, using common objects like a mustard seed, a fig tree, a grain of wheat, a drink of water, stony soil, and more.


Ask youth a questions from recent lessons for a review. As a reward for correct answers they will be given 10 cent coins. There will also be film canisters with various prizes inside that can be exchanged for their coin. Number the canisters. Some canisters will be empty, others will have useless items, and others will have bigger rewards, or a coupon to be exchanged for a larger prize.

Everyday we make exchanges. We exchange time with God for time watching our favorite tv show or for study time. We choose time with one friend over time with another. Sometimes we make wise choices and exchange something of worth for something worth more. Other times we exchange something of worth for something worthless… The difficulty lies in the fact that we often have difficulty choosing what is good and what is best. We are often confused about the comparative worth of different things or are unable to see which is most valuable. Yet in every decision we make, we make our choices based upon what is worth the most to us – the acceptance of friends, enjoyment, entertainment, good marks in school, pleasing God.

As a start to your lesson you might have youth list the things that are important to them and some examples of decisions affected by these things.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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The Gospel According to a Tea Bag

The Gospel according to a Tea Bag

Use a tea bag as an object lesson to tell the story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.


A tagged tea bag, two saucers, a clear glass of hot water, and a match or lighter.
NOTE: Please test first as not all brands of tea bags will float when lit.


Ephesians 2:5-10


Use a tea bag as an object lesson to tell the story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. It’s the Easter message for children and adults.

Object Lesson

The Label

  1. Remove the tag/label and hold it up for the children to see.
  2. Explain: The label identifies the tea. Jesus was labeled with many tags. He was called Christ, Messiah, teacher, Savior, the King of Kings, the man from Galilee, the carpenter, the Son of God, Redeemer, friend of sinners, good shepherd, Great Physician, King of the Jews and much more. Then at the cross, a sign was placed over his head – “King of the Jews.” Jesus was in the very nature God, but he wasn’t concerned with titles. He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Instead, he took the nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. He emptied himself and made himself nothing.

The String

  1. Remove the string and show it to the children.
  2. Then explain: People often become attached to things here on earth. They are often attached to possessions, pleasure, and power. Jesus was tempted by Satan after 40 days in the desert with the very same things. But Jesus was not attached to these things. Instead, his focus was on doing the will of God. He came to earth with a purpose. And that purpose was yours and my redemption.

The Staple

  1. Carefully remove the staple and show it to the children.
  2. Explain: This tea bag was pierced and has holes from a staple. Jesus was not pierced with a staple but with nails and a spear. Soldiers nailed his body to a cross.

The Tea

  1. Carefully open the tea bag without tearing it. Display the bag of tea leaves to the children.
  2. Then explain: Tea looks like dirt. If you put it in water, it will change the water to the color of the tea. It will no longer be clear and pure.
  3. Demonstrate by dropping a bit of tea into the glass of hot water and stirring it around.
  4. Explain: Like this tea bag, we all have dirt in our lives. We are not pure. The Bible calls this dirt, this impurity, sin. We need help from God to remove the sin from our lives. That’s exactly why Jesus came – to help us remove the sin from our lives. We must trust Jesus to remove the sin from our lives. When we ask him for forgiveness, he will make us clean and pure again.
  5. Then empty the tea leaves into the saucer.

The Tea Bag

  1. Carefully open up the tea bag completely. It will open into a long tube that you can stand on the second saucer.
  2. Explain: When Jesus removes the sin from our lives we can stand pure and proud in the sight of God. We will become a light for God. Philippians 2:15 says that among the perverse generation we will shine as lights in the world.

Lights for Christ

  1. Light the bag from the top and allow it to burn.
  2. Explain: As you shine for Jesus you become closer to God in your Christian walk, and one day your soul shall join him for eternal life. Just as Christ was resurrected and went to be with the Father, we will also rise up to be with him. We will be exalted and raised with him.
  3. The tea bag floats up as it burns.

That’s the story of Easter. Jesus set aside his titles and emptied himself and became one of us. He came with a purpose, to cut us free from the things of the world. He was pierced for us. And when we ask his forgiveness, he will take away the dirt from our lives and make us pure. We can stand strong and become his light to the world. And, just as he has risen we will also rise to be with him.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200-page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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The Cross or Hell?

A piece of paper and scissors

(drama/object lesson, visual – Use caution when discussing Hell with young kids)

The Background Story
A Japanese man was in prison for his faith. He was told by his interrogator the next day he was going to be executed. But since they were such experts in origami he could go free if he could make a cross with only 1 cut in a piece of paper. The man asked for a piece of paper to practice on but he was told that he could not have one. He went and prayed and the next morning he was brought before his interrogator who was all smiles. He was given a piece of paper and a pair of scissors. The prisoner took the paper and folded it as follows.

Fold the top right corner to left side of paper, forming a triangle, then the point at the top left over to the right side of the paper. Now it looks like a house with a pitched roof. Then folded it along the horizontal so that it looked like an arrow. Fold it again along the horizontal to make a thinner arrow. Now cut the paper vertically down the middle as indicated below.

The Lesson
After unfolding all the pieces he found he had a cross. He was free and would have an opportunity for a new life of freedom,, but he wasn’t finished. He put all the other pieces together to make the word HELL.


Easter gives us the choice of the CROSS or HELL.

Jesus suffered and sacrificed Himself for our sins and offers us the only way to heaven.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Jelly Bean Salvation

Jelly Beans of each color below: Yellow, Black, Red, White, Green. You can choose to place all of one color together inside a plastic Easter egg, or place one of each color inside an egg.

Gospel According to Jelly Beans: The meaning and explanation for each color is as follows:

Yellow Jelly Bean
The yellow Jelly bean reminds us of Heaven. Do you know what Heaven is? Heaven is God’s home. Heaven is filled with the glory, the shining brightness of God. There is no night ther The Bible says, “God is The Light and in Him is no Darkness at all”(I John 1:5). The Bible tells us that in Heaven, the street of the city is pure, clear gold-like glass (Rev.21:21). God tells us many other things about His home. No one is sick there. No one is crippled or blind. No one ever dies. Every person in Heaven will be perfectly happy-always (Rev. 21:4-2Psalm 16:11). The most wonderful thing about Heaven is that God the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus will be there. God made Heaven. He made you too. He loves you very much. Because he made you and loves you, He wants you to belong to Him and be with Him in Heaven someday. Jesus promised long ago, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 3:16; John 14:1-3).

Black Jelly Bean
There is one thing that can never be in Heaven. That is sin. Because you and I are sinners we want to have our own way instead of God’s way. Wanting our own way is sin. Doing, or saying, or thinking bad things is sin. Sin is anything that displeases God. Sin has caused sorrow and sadness in our world. God tells us in the Bible that all have sinned (Romans 3:23). All means every one of us.

This dark jelly bean reminds us of our sinful way (Proverbs 4:19). When it is dark, you stumble and cannot find your way. Because of your sin, you cannot find God. Your sin separates you from God, who is holy (I John 1:5). God cannot allow sin where He is. I am sure you can think of a sin which you have done. God has said that sin must be punished. The punishment for your sin is death-to be separated from God forever (Rev. 6:23). The Lord Jesus, God’s Son, said that if you die in your sin, you cannot go to Heaven where He is (John 8:21, 24). God knew there was nothing you could do to get rid of your sin. He knew you could not be good enough to please Him. But He loves you and He made a way for you to be forgiven.

Red Jelly Bean
The red jelly bean shows the way God made for you to have your sins forgiven-taken away. God loves you. He sent His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, from Heaven to take the punishment for your sin (John 3:16). Wicked men nailed the sinless Son of God to the cross, but while He hung there God put all of your sins on Him. The Bible says, “…God bath laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). (Iniquity is another word for sin). All your bad temper, all your lies, your meaness-all your sin-was laid on the dear Son of God, and He suffered and suffered until He cried out with a loud voice and said, “It is finished.” When you finish a job, how much is left? Nothing. What did the Lord Jesus come to do? He came to save us from punishment for sin, didn’t He? And He finished the work. When He was nailed to the cross, what came from His hands, and His feet? His blood. God calls it the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and He says “…the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7). There is no other way, for God says, “Without shedding of blood there is no remission [of sin]”-no forgiveness, no payment (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus not only died for you, but He was buried, and He rose again. He is a living saviour (ICorinthians 15:3, 4). God showed His love for you by sending His own Son to die for you. Now he says there is one way for you to be saved from your sin.

White Jelly Bean
Tears cannot wash away sin. Prayers cannot wash away sin. Doing good cannot wash away sin. But the blood of the Lord Jesus can wash away all sin (Psalm 51:7; I John 1:7). This white jelly bean reminds me that you can be made clean from sin. Did Jesus die for everyone? (YES!) Is everyone going to Heaven? (No, because some do not believe that Jesus died for them. They have not received Him as their saviour from sin.) God’s word says, “…as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (John 1:12). God has promised you when you receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you become a child of God. The Lord Jesus Christ died to save you from your sins. He wants to live in your heart and give you power to obey God. Are you sorry for your sin? Do you believe Jesus died for your sin? Would you like to receive Jesus today? You must decide. (Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. Question the person to respond carefully. Encourage them to express to you before they pray: why they need to receive the Lord Jesus; what the Lord Jesus has done for them; what they want to tell God. When dealing with a group, emphasize what each person must personally believe and receive the Lord Jesus. Give opportunity for prayer. If possible, question each person individually after the prayer to clarify the meaning of His decision. Where is Jesus now? Where are your sins? What took them away?) (Any one of the following verses can be used effectively in helping to know what God has done: John 1:12; I John 5:13; Rev. 3:20.) God promises to you when you receive Him, “…I will never\leave nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Ask Him to help you each day to please Him. When you do sin, tell God that you have sinned. He will forgive you right away (I John 1:9). Ask Him and trust Him to help you not to do it again. (Lead the person in offering a prayer of thanks).

Green Jelly Bean
The green jelly bean reminds me of the new life, everlasting life, you have received from God. The color green reminds me of things which are growing outdoors, like leaves, grass, flowers, and trees. when you receive the Lord Jesus as your saviour from sin, you are like a newborn baby in God’s family. The Bible tells you to “grow in grace in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18).

(As the time permits, talk with the person about those things which help him grow as a member of God’s family. Explain you are not talking about growing taller or gaining weight, but the kind of growing which will help others know that he loves the Lord Jesus.

* 1. Listen to God- Learn God’s Word reading and memorizing it (II Timothy 2:15; Psalm 119: 11).
* 2. Talk to God. Pray (I Thessalonians 5:17).
* 3. Talk for God. Witness or tell others (Mark 16:15).
* 4. Worship God. Go to Sunday School and Church (Hebrews 10:25).

Blue Jelly Bean
Some will add a Blue Jelly bean to represent Baptism

1. Use the various colors of the Jelly Beans to present the plan of salvation.
2. Use this as a presentation of the plan of salvation for easter.
3. Instead of Jelly Beans, you can use balloons or other items of the different colors… even simply colored pieces of paper (sometimes known as the “Wordless book”) and beads for bracelets (sometimes known as the “Wordless Bracelet”)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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  • 2 or 3 yo-yos



  • Life is full of ups and downs, mountains and valleys, depressions and mountaintop experiences, difficulties and triumphs.



  • Invite someone skilled with a yo-yo to give a demonstration.
  • And/ Or have a yo-yo competition and invite all who have yo-yo’s to bring them to the meeting.



  • Each yo-yo looks a little different, but all yo-yos are made the same way.
  • Hold up a dangling yo-yo, string unwound. This string is attached to a post inside the yo-yo. When you hold on to your string and drop your yo-yo, the yo-yo spins up and down the string.
  • This yo-yo reminds me of the Christian life. God puts us down on earth. (Spin the yo-yo down.) We spin around for awhile, but eventually we need God’s power to keep on spinning. (Take the yo-yo up). Like the string, we are connected to God by prayer and worship.
  • Even though we’re on earth, God wants us to aim for the things in heaven. God wants us to remember that we belong to him. If we run out of strength down here (let the yo-yo stop its spin), God reaches down and gathers us back up (wind the yo-yo up). And one day God will take us up to heaven to be with him forever.
  • In the meantime, as Christian yo-yos we keep spinning around, living on earth (spin the yo-yo down), but always connected to God up in heaven (take the yo-yo up).

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Jesus is the Key

Lots of different kinds and sizes and shapes of keys: old-fashioned keys, keys on quirky key rings, a two-footlong honorary key (as “a key to the city”), hotel keys (both the traditional kind and the plastic card kind with the electronic code), etc. Also have a lock which can be opened by one of the keys.

Object Lesson
Each of these keys suggests an appealing quality. This key lets you into an ornate hotel room…this old key is itself ornate…this one hangs on a key ring you could never lose…this one promises shelter…this one is a ticket to a prestigious vehicle. (Explain the fantastic places and opportunities that each key offers.)
Then explain that only the one key will fit this lock.

Some people judge their lives by the keys they possess. An education is the key to a good job, a good job is a key to power and wealth, a car key to a new sports key shows you are going places, a key to a large house reveals security and comfort.

But according to scriptures there is only one destination that is important and one key that will open that destination to you. That final destination determines where you will spend your eternity and the only key to open the way to heaven is Jesus Christ.

Some say there are many different ways to God, and many ways to experience God. There are many ways to get to different places, but if your destination is God, there is only ONE WAY! This is what Jesus meant when be said, “I am the way.”

He made claims about himself that no other leader has made. Jesus didn’t say he pointed to the way, or that he knew the way, or even that he could teach the way. He said he is “the way.”

John 14:5-14


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Jesus is the way

A compass

Learning Activity
1. As a small game, stand in the center of the room and let students arrange themselves in lines next to you to form a cross “+”.
2. Designate one line of the cross as “North.”
3. Designate the remaining three lines the other directions of the compass (East, etc)
4. Then using the compass, let youth / children rotate themselves so that the correct line is facing north. Ask them to freeze.
5. Move to another place in the room.
6. On your signal they are to reform the compass at the new location you have selected, pointing themselves in the correct directions of the compass. (To make it more difficult, stand in a doorway, next to a wall, squat under a table, etc.)
7. First line of the cross to get in the correct position wins, making sure they are all facing their respective directions of the compass.

Ask the children to point to north at a given signal. Check who is right with the compass. Then try to confuse the youngsters by turning round, going to a corner or standing on a chair and asking where north is from those positions.

Whatever position we are in, a compass will direct us accurately to north.
And whereever we are, Jesus points us toward God.

Scripture Text
John 14:5-14


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Spot the Differences

* Find a few of the puzzles which display two pictures where there are differences between the pictures.
(If you cannot find such puzzles, photocopy a children’s coloring book then “whiteout” lines and add additional lines etc. to make your own puzzles. )
* As a variation, you can copy a couple puzzles to transparency sheets and place them on the overhead projector for kids to find the differences.

Kids must identify the differences in the two pictures.

* We use the Bible as our standard in which to evaluate our life. When things are missing that should be there, or things are added that should not be there, it is called sin. Sin is when our lives do not exactly match God’s standard.
* There are two types of sin in the Bible since of ommission (leave out something) or sins of commission (adding something that we shouldn’t do).
* Can you spot the mistakes in your life? The key to finding the differences is to compare our lives to the Bible. If we are not doing the things the Bible commands then we are sinning. If we are doing the things the Bible forbids then we are also sinning. Only through comparing our lives to God’s Word will we know if we are living rightly.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Image of the Father

A large mirror and a small mirror

(Pass around the small mirror for kids too look at themselves in it while asking a few questions)
Q: How many of you like to see yourselves in a mirror?
Q. How many of you would like to see God?
A: Lots of people want to see God. It is sometimes difficult to believe in someone you cannot see.

One of Jesus’ followers also found it difficult to believe something he could not see. In John 14:8, Philip said to Jesus: ‘Show us the Father, that is all we need.’ Jesus’ replied: ‘Whoever has seen me has seen the Father’ (Jn 14:9).

(Turn your back on the children and look in the mirror. Turn the mirror so that everyone is able to see your reflection.)
Just like you can see me in this mirror we can See God’s reflection in Jesus. When we look at Jesus we see God. Jesus was God’s perfect reflection. If we want to see God clearly, we should read all about Jesus to get a complete picture.

Ways to make this option more active:
* Have children write thier names while looking into the mirror.
* Print some things backwards (e.g. the scripture verse) that children must use a mirror to read.
* Have children use the mirror to shine light around different areas of the room. (Jesus is the light of the world)
* Have kids list things they do with mirrors
* Have two images that are mirror reflections of each other but with changes. Children must identify the differences in the two images. (Spot the Differences)
* Make several lines across the floor using tape, chalk or floor tiles equal in number to the number of teams. Obtain a car side mirror or makeup mirror. Children must hold the mirror above their heads, and then look up at the mirror positioning it in a way that shows the floor. If they look down they will be disqualified. While looking up at the mirror so that it reflects the floor, kids must walk the line to the end of the room then return. If they miss stepping on the line they must return to the start. Using a stop watch, time the team in getting all members to walk the line (relay style) Team with the quickest time wins.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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The Way to God

A world map, a geographic map of your country; a street directory or detailed map showing your church location

1. Bring out the world map or a globe. Give children places/ countries to find on the globe. Reward the children who find them first.
2. Then pretend you have been invited to someone’s house which is in a small road not too far from the church. Explain that you do not know exactly where it is.
3. Ask the children to find it for you on the globe — Look first at your world map, and then your country map. These do not help you.
4. If we want to find out where a particular street is in our town we need a map with an even smaller scale: a street map. These maps give details right down to houses, churches and parks.
5. Show the kids a map and ask them to find the street or show them the location of the friend and the location of the church.
6. Ask kids to show A WAY between the church and the place where the person lives. It does not have to be the smartest, shortest, or fastest way. Each kid can actually come up with a way to get there. In fact there will be lots of ways to get from point A to point B.
7. Then ask the kids to show you THE WAY to get from point A to point B. They will look confused. Usually, they will ask, “Which way?” The use of the word THE implies that I have a certain way in mind.

Read the Scripture Text: John 14:5-14
Jesus identifies himself as “the way, the truth, and the life.” All have relevance. The “way” speaks of a connection, of the link between God and man. Jesus not only shows us the way, but he IS the way. The “truth” reminds us of the complete reliability and trustworthiness of Jesus in all that he is, he does, and he says. Jesus not only reveals the truth, but is the embodiment of truth. The “life” stresses the fact that mere existence matters little. The only life that is meaningful is that which Jesus brings, for He is life itself. Because of these three things, no one can come to God except through Jesus.

Many people see the road to heaven as a map with many possible routes. They say that it doesn’t matter which way you go. We will all end up at the same place. In John 14:6, Jesus said I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. Not A way, A truth, and A life.

Of course, the best way to get there would be to find someone who knows the place and follow him there. That’s Jesus!

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Corners of God’s Love

A large sheet of paper with ‘GOD’S LOVE’ written in large letters on it, and a pair of scissors.

Object Lesson
Show everyone the paper with GOD’S LOVE written on it. Explain that God’s love is something we can all have and we can also all give away. Point out that in this case God’s love has “4 corners” Ask, If I were to give you one of my corners of God’s Love how many would I have left? Some will surely answer 3. Then show them. Take the scissors and cut off one of the corners, and give it to someone. Count the corners now. “I gave one away, and now I’ve got FIVE!” Continue is this way, cutting off each of the four initial corners. Explain that you end up with MORE corners of God’s Love every time you give one away. Then ask who received one of the corners I gave away. “Are you sure I gave you one?” It became three when you cut it… so it keeps multiplying.


  1. In the same way, the more of God’s Love you give away, the bigger it gets…” PS: – keep on going and you get a circle – God’s love encircling us! .
  2. Discuss the small and possibly seemingly insignificant ways Jesus portrayed love in his life as revealed in the scriptures.
  3. Focus in on the emotion of love and use for Valentine’s Day
  4. God’s Love

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Christ Was Born for All People


A string Christmas lights (enough so that each young person can receive a light bulb). On most light sets, if one bulb is removed the circuit will be broken and none of them will work.

One by one, have each young person place his or her light bulb in the string and share one special thing about himself or herself. This could be a feeling about the Christmas season, or a feeling about being a part of the youth group. When everyone’s bulb is in place, the string will light up.

All of the bulbs have to be in place for the lights to shine forth with their beauty!
Everyone is important in the body of Christ. Christ was born as a gift to everyone.

Decorate a Christmas tree with strings of popcorn and cranberries. Supply construction paper, glitter, glue, markers and magazines. Have the kids each make an ornament that describes themselves. For example, they could use glitter and glue to write their name and cut out magazine pictures such as jogging shoes, books, puppies and food. Make hangers for the ornaments out of pipe cleaners.

Follow up this lesson with an affirmation idea. Give each person 10 pieces of peppermint candy. Instruct the group members to mingle and give a piece of candy to 10 different individuals, telling them what they appreciate about them. Tell the students to continue until all of candy has been distributed.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Christmas Collection" ebook Christmas Collection
Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Advent Alphabet

ornaments1.jpgWhat do sand, trees, money, pearls, wheat, and mustard seeds have in common? Jesus used them all as tangible symbols or object lessons to help his disciples to understand and remember intangible truths. The Master Communicator often attached deeper meanings to common things and objects.

Alphabetically listed are 25 items commonly associated with Advent and Christmas, one object lesson per day starting December 1, to help your family attach deeper spiritual insight to traditional customs and apply what they have learned to everyday life.

Aromas (December 1) 
Identify Christmas scents by smelling small bags containing apple slice, bayberry candle, clove, ginger, peppermint, or pine cone. Place fresh evergreens around. Add spices, (rosemary, laurel, bay, sage) to wreaths and greens. Make a pomander ball by pressing whole cloves into an unpeeled orange and hanging it as a symbol for Christmas fragrances.

Bells (Dec. 2)
Sing “Jingle Bells” while each family member shakes the rhythm with a bell. Make a set of bell chimes by filling water glasses unequally and see who can tap out a recognizable melody with a spoon. Hang bells as the symbol.

Candles (Dec. 3)
To reinforce the symbolism of light use Christmas candles. Line a driveway or walk with luminaries (candles set in open paper lunch bags half filled with sand) Set votive or electrical candles in windows. Make a candle carving by tracing a design onto a thick candle and shaving away the wax with a knife. Eat dinner by candlelight. Take a few quiet moments of meditation by candlelight.

Decorations (Dec. 4) 
Go out to view decorations and vote on the one which best communicates the true meaning of Christmas. Sing carols about decorations between stops (“Deck the Halls” “Jingle Bells”). Begin to hang your Christmas decorations. Create personalized paper placemats with drawings, stickers, dry transfers, markers, and paints and cover them with plastic wrap or clear shelf adhesive to preserve them.

Eating (Dec. 5) 
Use a cookie as today’s symbol. Make some wassail. Wassail means “be well” so drink each cup as a toast to each other’s health. Make plates of cookies as gifts and watch your children enjoy the true meaning of Christmas – giving to others.

Friends (Dec 6) 
Prepare a conversational activity and snacks for friends who drop in. You might set up a table with a jigsaw puzzle (500-1000 pieces) to try to complete by Christmas with the help of friends. It’s appropriate that Jesus’ first friendly visitors were shepherds for he became the good shepherd. Hang candy canes, shaped like a shepherd’s crook.

Greetings (Dec 7) 
Place Christmas cards received in a basket on the dinner table and take turns reading one at each meal. Share happy memories of the senders and include them in prayers. Make a “Good News paper” about Jesus’ birth, including a birthday announcement, copy of Caesar’s census decree, interview with King Herod, a notice about the free concert by the Herald angels in pastures near Bethlehem, etc. The good news of Christmas is that a Savior has been born.

Home (Dec. 8) 
People without a home or away from home tend to feel more lonely at Christmas time. God understands because his Son was away from home for the first time on Christmas Eve. Joseph and Mary spent their first Christmas in Bethlehem, about 60 miles from their home in Nazareth (a 3 day trip). Having no friends or relatives with whom to stay, and no advance reservations at an overbooked hotel, they spent Christmas in a stable. The first home of Jesus, our Spiritual Bread of Life, was Bethlehem which means “house of Bread” Sing “O Little
Town of Bethlehem as your family prayer.” Symbol: house.

Individuals (Dec 9) 
The ultimate meaning for Christmas is personal, the need for each person to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life. As a symbol use a picture frame with the child’s picture. Read “A Christmas Carol” by Dickens to focus on the needs of others.

Jesus (Dec. 10) 
Hang a cross to symbolize Jesus. Have a Birthday celebration for Jesus with a star shaped cake. Wrap a toy and donate to a charity as a gift to Christ.

Kin (Dec. 11)
Christmas is a time to be with family. Hang a family symbol or photo. Talk about Jesus’ family. Do something together as a family.

Love (Dec. 12) 
Hang a heart as the symbol. Make a large red heart and write on it the qualities of true love from I Cor. 13

Music (Dec. 13) 
Hang a musical note as a symbol. Invite friends to join you in singing carols for shut ins or seniors. Play Christmas music around the house.

Nativity (Dec. 14) 
Set out a nativity scene. Add pieces daily explaining their relationship to the manger story. Leave the manger empty with a box of straw. When children do good deeds let them place a piece of straw in the manger with the goal of having it filled for Christmas when you place Jesus in it.

Ornaments (Dec. 15) 
Help children make personal ornaments. Make or purchase one cross ornament as a reminder that Jesus’ cradle was the prelude to the cross.

Present (Dec. 16) 
To focus on giving gifts or presents: help someone less fortunate through donations. Help each person choose and wrap a symbol of an intangible gift for Jesus (i.e. a
heart for love, a clock for time, etc.)

Questions (Dec. 17) 
Hang a question mark on the tree. Have a quiz on Christmas facts, a spelling bee on Christmas words, etc. The wisemen asked a question in Matt 2:2 seeking Jesus to worship him.

Red (Dec. 18) 
How many red Christmas items can you name? Hang one as a symbol. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ, as well as, red holly berries and poinsettia leaves which are vivid reminders of life in a lifeless winter.

Stocking (Dec. 19) 
Renouncing wealth to serve as a church leader, legend says Saint Nicholas gave his inherited wealth away by putting gold in stockings hung to dry.

Tree (Dec. 20) 
Establish some family traditions based around the Christmas Tree. Explain how three trees explain the Christmas story – Adam lost access to the tree of life by eating from the forbidden tree but Jesus reopened the way to the tree of life by his sacrifice on the cross (itself a tree).

Unwrapping (Dec. 21) 
Use an open box to symbolize the unwrapping of gifts.

Vacation (Dec. 22) 
Create a vacation calendar and on it creatively plan and build anticipation as to how holidays can be spent.

Wreath (Dec. 23) 
See who can count the most circular Christmas items around the house. A wreath is like Jesus in that it never ends.

Xmas (Dec. 24) 
Christmas literally means “celebration of Christ” The X represents the first letter of Christ in the Greek alphabet. Hang a Chi-Rho cross as a symbol, the first two letters of Christ.

Yule (Dec. 25) 
Yule is another name for the Christmas Season. You might use a yule log as a symbol. On Christmas morning ask children to stay in bed until they hear Christmas music playing. No Christmas presents are to be opened until everyone is present. Share a worship time before opening gifts. Do at least one fun activity as a family. Make Christmas dinner special with a centerpiece and lighted candles.. Make Christmas place cards with Scriptures to be read. See which family members can share the significance of the 25 ornamental symbols hung this month.

Condensed and adapted from “An Advent Alphabet” by
Karen and Terry Hall, Moody Magazine, December 1986


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Legend of the Candy Cane

A candy cane for each child.

The Lesson
Candy Canes are everywhere. They are used as decorations on Christmas trees and are one of the most popular of all Christmas treats. I have heard several stories about the history and meaning of the candy cane. I don’t know if they are true, but I do think that the candy cane can teach us a few things about the true meaning of Christmas.

First of all, if you look at the candy cane it looks like the letter J. Jesus starts with the letter J, so that should remind us of Jesus and help us to remember that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday.

Shepherd’s Crook
If you look at the candy cane like this it looks like a shepherd’s crook. The shepherd used his crook to keep the sheep from wandering away from the flock and getting lost or eaten by a wild animal. The Bible says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” The candy cane should remind us that Jesus is our shepherd and he will keep us from wandering away and getting lost or hurt. (John 10:11)

The candy cane is mostly white. White is a symbol of purity. That should remind us that Jesus was the spotless Lamb of God and that because he came to be the sacrifice for our sin, we can become as white as snow. (I John 1:7)

Red Stripes
As you know, the candy cane has three red stripes. The Bible tells us that before he was crucified, Jesus was beaten with a whip which made blood-red stripes across his back. The Bible says that we are healed by those stripes. The stripes on the candy cane should remind us that Jesus suffered and died, so that we can have everlasting life. (Mt 26:28)

The sweetness of the candy cane reminds us that God Loves us and wants us to enjoy the many gifts He has given us — especially the gift of His Son, who came into the world on the first Christmas to save us. (John 3:16)

To many people, the candy cane is a meaningless decoration seen at Christmas time or just a piece of candy to be eaten and enjoyed. I hope that this year, every time you see a candy cane, you will be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Mark 12:13-17 Mark 12:41-44

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Wonderfully Created


Obtain various tools and accessories associated with different occupations.

Some possibilities include:
fireman’s hat-fireman, police badge-policeman, sheriff badge-sheriff, cook’s beater-cook, baker’s hat-baker, basketball or sport’s equipment-athlete, axe-woodsman, paintbrush-artist, stethoscope-doctor, briefcase-businessman, driver’s license-driver or taxi driver, trowel-bricklayer, shovel-gardner, Bible-pastor, hammer-carpenter, Microphone- singer or speaker, telephone-secretary, bow tie-waiter, knife-butcher, ETC.

Have participants match the items with the occupation.

1. What do you / did you want to be when you grow/ grew up.
2. Does God have a personal and specific will for each person’s life?
3. Does he have a detailed blueprint for our life?
4. How much leeway do we have in submitting our personal choices?
5. Is everything predestined?
6. Does it include every detail relating to my life? If so, how do we discover it?

Psalm 139:15. Before you were even a baby, God knew you and what you would become. God intimately knows us. He knows our thoughts, words, and deeds (v7-12). Verse 16 says God planned all your days, all your life, before you were ever even born. He had a plan for you before you even existed.

End by discussing various things that Christians can do. Discuss the person each of us can become. Talk about the different roles in the church and how God might use some of them to accomplish these roles.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Baby Pictures

Obtain baby pictures of different people in the groups. Allow participants to attempt to identify the various people by their baby pictures.

Parent’s have great expectations for their children. Every child is a bundle of potential. As they grow and mature, they discover their abilities and ultimately their place in life.

A youth group, in many ways is like a baby. It starts out small, and it doesn’t know its abilities or where it fits into God’s picture, but as it grows and matures, God has a plan for it. If it a baby did not grow and mature we would be very concerned, but we seem content that our youth group never grows.

We must realize, a youth group cannot survive separated from the family of God any more than a baby can survive separated from it’s family. And as a baby grows, it’s identity is shaped by its family.

1. So where does the group fit into the family of God? In what ways can it grow and mature? What is it’s potential? What is God’s plan for it?”
2. How can you apply this object lesson to your personal spiritual life? In what areas have you grown a lot? In what areas is your spiritual growth been stagnant? How would you describe yourself as a Babe in Christ / Child of God?

This object lesson could be used for care groups, just substitute “care group” for “youth group.”

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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1. As many smart-looking black executive brief-cases as you can borrow; inside each one place a clear plastic bag with something unsavoury in it, such as a squashed tomato, an old sandwich or a broken biscuit; molded bread, curdled milk.
2. A well-worn, old-fashioned brief-case; inside this case put a wallet or some cash. Alternatively you can use a wallets or purses.

Object Lesson
1. Talk about executive brief cases and the image that they convey, pretending that you have always wanted one. Compare the smartness of the cases you have borrowed and take a walk with each one, looking very important and pleased with yourself. Make fun of the old briefcase.

2. Open each nice executive briefcase and express horror as you reveal the contents.

3. Pick up the old-fashioned brief-case and discuss how this old thing could not possibly contain anything interesting or worthwhile. Open it and take out the money with complete amazement. Who would have thought? Something valuable inside an old case like this?

1. I sam 16 – God does not judge by appearances, what is on the outside, but by the heart – what is on the inside.

2. 2 Kings – In the Northern Kingdom, God was concerned with the internal disobedience of the Isrealites. He was concerned with the fact that they did not put away their idols. For Isreal, their new golden calves were like the executive briefcase- Looks great, but they led to the decay of Israel. They left corruption and disobedience in their hearts. Their faith had become old, seemingly forgotten and they did not believe they could find anything worthwhile in it.

3. Many of todays youth view Christianity in the same way as the old briefcase. They are raised in a high tech, ever changing world. Whatever is new, sleek, and attractive is in. Whatever is old is out. For many of them, their faith has become like the old ragged briefcase. They do not believe that anything worthwhile can be found in it. Yet if they were willing to really look into it they would discover that inside it lies the greatest treasures. Just because something is old doesn’t mean it isn’t of great worth. Like Israel many of today’s youth run after every new fad and exciting new discovery only to realize later that they were hollow if not destructive.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Calling God

Mobile Phone

1. As you walk into the room, talk loudly on your mobile phone as if you are talking to a friend.
2. Talk about your plans for the day, the things you need to do, ask for advice, ask for some help, etc.. all as if you are simply talking to a friend.
3. End your conversation with, “I have to go. I have some friends here waiting on me”

1. How many of you like to talk to friends on the phone?
2. What kinds of things do you talk about?
3. How many of you have a mobile phone?
4. Guess which friend I was talking to?
5. Actually, I was talking to God.

Talking to God (prayer) is different than talking on a mobile phone.
When talking to God:
1. God is never out of range.
2. We never “lose the signal”
3. The battery never runs dead
4. We never run out of minutes
5. We don’t have to remember his number.. just talk!


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Pumpkin Seed Toss

1. Several Carved pumpkins with different size mouths or with different size holes in the top.
As an alternative, have a watermelon seed toss on a hot summer afternoon. Cut off the ends of the watermelon. Hollow it out and then pit it back together with toothpicks. Carve funny faces in the watermelons as you would a pumpkin.
2. Small Bean Bags (Referred to as Pumpkin seeds / or watermelon seeds)
3. Place the pumpkins on a bale of hay or cloth covered table some distance from the participants.
4. Choose one of the discussion ideas below… Choosing only one will keep everyone focused and create a more powerful object lesson.

Each Youth / Child is given 5 chances to try to toss the pumpkin seeds into the pumpkin. Each pumpkin, depending on the size of the hole is worth different points.

Discussion Idea #1: Targets
1. Why did you choose your pumpkin target?
Some people chose the smaller pumpkins because they were worth more. Others chose the pumpkins with the larger mouth because they were an easier target.
2. When it comes down to real life, do you choose your targets based on value or upon which is easier?
3. What are your targets in the Christian life? Are they easy? Why do you value these targets?

Discussion Idea #2: Your Mouth
1. In this game you were judged by your ability to toss an object into a mouth. But in God’s kingdom we are not judged by what goes into our mouths, but by what comes out of our mouths.
2. What do your words reveal about you?
3. When is it more valuable to be a “big mouth”? To keep your mouth closed?
4. What does the Bible say about our words?

Looking for some icebreakers for your party or event? My eBook, “IceBreakers Ahead: Take It to the Next Level” found at
not only provides 52 of the most world’s popular group icebreaker activities, but also includes life changing lesson ideas and questions to smoothly transition into discussions about issues common to most groups.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

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Like A Halloween Pumpkin

pumpkin3.jpgIn Athens, Paul was disturbed by the culture around him. (Acts 17:16). But instead of coming against it, he used things from that culture to present the gospel. (Acts 17:22-31).

1. A pumpkin (instructions for preparing it are below)
2. A candle or flashlight to go inside the pumpkin
3. Lighter or matches if you are using a candle
4. A large knife (not sharp, it is for effect).
5. Some mud or clay dirt
6. A damp cloth
7. A cloth large enough to cover the pumpkin

1. Cutting carefully so that you can set it back in place, cut the top from the pumpkin.
2. Scoop out the seeds and inner membrane. Rinse, dry and save it. You may want to soak them in coffee or something similar to turn them dark. We will be returning them to the pumpkin.
3. Making sure to keep the cuttings on one side of the pumpkin only, cut a design into the pumpkin. You can use a traditional jack-o-lantern or some other design. Carving ‘JESUS’ into the pumpkin or carving a candle is effective. Be careful not to carry the design to the sides or back of the pumpkin as you do not want to show the cuts at the beginning of the lesson.
4. Put the seeds and membrane back into the pumpkin. If it is going to be over a few hours before the lesson, it would be better to put the seeds and membrane in the refrigerator until closer time.

Just before the session
1. Set the pumpkin in front of you so that the carved part is toward your body. You do not want the audience to see that it has been carved.
2. If the seeds were refrigerated, return them to the pumpkin.
3. Put the top on the pumpkin matching it as good as possible so that the cut is not too obvious.
4. Smear a little clay or mud on the front of the pumpkin so that the audience can easily see it.
5. Set the other supplies (knife, light, damp cloth) where you can reach them.
6. Cover the pumpkin with a cloth so that it is not visible from any side when your group comes in.

The Lesson
Sometimes people ask what it is like being a Christian.
I’d like to tell you that it is all fun and easy.

But I’m a Christian.
I’m supposed to tell the whole truth.
And here it is.

It is fun to be a Christian because I am God’s child and God loves me. And it is never too hard for me because God helps me.

But sometimes it is pretty hard to be a Christian.
(Lift the cloth off of the pumpkin)
I think I can use this pumpkin to help explain.

We all start out like pumpkins.
We’re out in the garden along with all the others.
God is always walking through that garden asking if any of us what to belong to Him.

When we say ‘yes’ to God, he picks us up out of the garden.
(Use damp cloth to clean the dirt off the pumpkin.)
And he gently washes away the dirt.

That feels really, really nice.
(Pick up the knife)
But there is more to be done.

You see, dirt was not the only thing we brought with us from the garden.
(Pretend to cut around the top of the pumpkin)
Some of what we brought back requires surgery and that can hurt.

(Lift off the top.)
While we were out there in the garden, some things grew inside us.
(Take out a few seeds and hold them out to be seen.)

Sometimes the others were not fair to us.
(Take out more of the seeds)
We became angry and the seed of bitterness started to grow inside.

(Continue to take out seeds as you talk)
Sometimes others let us down or hurt our feelings.
We began to feel sorry for ourselves.
And the seeds of rejection started to grow.

We try to get even with those who hurt us.
The seeds of unforgiveness and violence begin to grow inside.

(Remove the last of the seeds)
Yes, all of this cleaning up hurts a bit.
But if we won’t let God clean all of this out, it gets infected.
And then we really have problems.

Christians who won’t let God clean out all the junk from the pumpkin patch are really miserable.
They have spiritual infections and they can spread them to others.
(Wipe the inside with the cloth)

(Pretend to make a few cuts with the knife on your side of the pumpkin)
I’m learning to hold really still and let God take care of anything that needs cleaning!
Sure it hurts sometimes.
Put the light inside the pumpkin and light it
And sometimes I wonder what God is trying to do!

(Turn the pumpkin around for the group to see)
Then God reminds me that He has a wonderful plan for my life.
He wants the beauty of Jesus to shine through me so others can see the way to Jesus.

That’s what we are, you know.
We are not really better than those poor pumpkins who are still in the garden.
We are just a whole lot better off because Jesus has taken us out of the darkness and into His wonderful light.

(Lights off)
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.
A city on a hill can’t be hidden.
Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead, they put it on its stand.
Then it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine in front of others.
Then they will see the good things you do.
And they will praise your Father who is in heaven.*

Please pray with me.
Father God, thank You for asking us to be Your children.
Father, we want to be more like Jesus.
We want others to see Your light shining in our lives.
Help us to open our hearts to You.
Take away all our bad attitudes.
Give us Your light and love inside.
We’re asking this in Jesus’ Name. Amen


Looking for some icebreakers for your party or event? My eBook, “IceBreakers Ahead: Take It to the Next Level” found at
not only provides 52 of the most world’s popular group icebreaker activities, but also includes life changing lesson ideas and questions to smoothly transition into discussions about issues common to most groups.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Fear Factors

A variety of scary Halloween masks

Put on the various masks and make threatening gestures.
Are you afraid of me?
What about this one?
Why are you afraid / not afraid?

At Halloween, children often dress up in scary costumes for fun. Sometimes we hide behind a corner and try to scare a friend. We aren’t afraid when we know something isn’t real. While we may not be afraid of the child in the ghost costume knocking at the door and saying “Trick or Treat” each of us do have real fears. Even though we all know that scary halloween monsters aren t real, sometimes our imaginations make things seem real. What are some things that you are afraid of? What are some of your fears?

The top ten fears are:

1. Spiders Arachnophobia
2. People & social situations Anthropophobia or sociophobia
3. Flying Aerophobia or aviatophobia
4. Open spaces Agoraphobia, kenophobia
5. Confined spaces Claustrophobia
6. Vomiting Eemetophobia or emitophobia
7. Heights Acrophobia, altophobia
8. Cancer Carcinomaphobia, carcinophobia
9. Thunderstorms Brontophobia or keraunophobia
lightning astraphobia
cyclones anemophobia
hurricanes and tornadoes lilapsophobia
10. Death Necrophobia or thanatophobia

There are 365 “Fear Nots” in the Bible – one for every day of the year. But how do we deal with the reality of fear in our lives? The cure for our fears is to walk closely with God, who is bigger and more powerful than anything that might scare us.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Time for God


1. Obtain a variety of clocks, watches and other time pieces.
2. Bright colored small sticker dots from the stationary store. Write “Take time” on them

Ask youth to choose a clock that represents them and to tell the group why.

* “It’s always time to Praise God.”
* “I seek to worship God in every minute of of life.”
* “Nothing disrupts my time of worship with God.”
* “Take time for God.”

Ask youth to place the stickers on their watches so that every time they look at their watch they will be reminded to “take time” for God. Distribute 3X5 cards and ask youth to write goals such as, “every time I look at my watch I will spend a moment in meditation with God.” etc.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Greatest Prize

A trophy, a ribbon, a medal, a crown, and a certificate of achievement.

I have some objects with me today that people work really hard to get. They are awards for some great accomplishment. As you can see, these awards come in different shapes and sizes:

This one is a statue with some writing at the base. (Read.) It’s called a trophy. It was given to a person who did an excellent job at __________.

Here is a ribbon. Blue means first place and red usually means second place.

This is a medal. These are often awarded for soldiers for bravery or to someone who does an outstanding job. They are also given to Olympic athletes who are the best in their event.

Crowns were awarded to those who were the victors in the ancient olympics. Today crowns are given to beauty queens.

This certificate is designed to be hung on the wall. It describes the achievement of the person. (Read.)

It’s wonderful to be able to win an award for working hard and doing something really great. But I want to talk about the most wonderful award of all. For Paul, the greatest prize is the calling of Christ. (Phil 3:12 – 16)


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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A difficult Connect-the-Dots puzzle that is not obvious as to the final results. (You might wish to have it photocopied to a transparency and use an OHP so all can see as you connect the dots.)

Hold up the connect-the-dots puzzle or show it on the OHP. Ask the kids/ youth if they believe a picture will appear if you connect the dots.
* Let kids / youth guess what the final outcome might be if all the dots are connected?

Doing a connect-the-dots puzzle is a little like faith. 
As you’re explaining, start connecting the dots of the puzzle.
1. You begin by believing that an image-really will be revealed-even though you have no idea what it is. In other words, you can’t see the picture, but you believe it’s there. You trust that an artist designed a picture that will be revealed if you continue to trace the sequence, dot to dot.
2. If you don’t connect the dots in sequence, or if you decide to stop drawing, you’ll never see the full picture the artist has designed.

It is similar with your faith in God.
1. You don’t always see exactly where God is leading you.
2. Sometimes you have only part of the picture.
3. You need to follow the steps God has prepared for you and take life as God gives it to you.
4. If you don’t continue your journey of faith you will never see the final results God planned for you.

In John 20:19-29, Thomas wasn’t there when Jesus appeared to the other disciples so for him a piece of the picture was missing. But faith is when, in the words of one experienced Christian, we continue to trust God’s heart even when we cannot trace his hand.

1. Why can you trust that God has adequately planned the picture even if you don’t understand everything yet?
2. What happens to the picture when you begin disregarding the proper order of things in life?
3. DO you feel, like Thomas, you missed something and now are lost and don’t understand?
4. What kinds of problems have caused you to doubt God’s design? Seemingly missing numbers? Vague dots? Big gaps?
5. For Thomas it took his hand in the nail scars and side of Christ to get him back on the journey of faith. What would it take to get you back on track in your life?
6. Can you see the dots well enough, but have lately lost interest in joining them because you can’t make sense of the image you’re outlining?
7. What is the next dot in your life? What connection do you think God has planned next for you?

Following Jesus is sometimes like completing a connect-the-dots puzzle.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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How do I measure?

A variety of tools used to measure things… a scale, ruler, measuring cups and spoons of all different sizes, thermometer, carpenter’s level, plumbline, voltage detector, protractor, stop watch, spring scale, watch or clock, etc.

Q: What do all these things have in common?
A: They are used to measure things.
Q: What would be the best device to measure a _____________. (Fill in the blank with various objects around the room)

How do we measure our Christian growth?
How do we measure our spirituality?

We could measure our growth and spirituality by many different means. We could use the 10 Commandments, the Fruits of the Spirit, the Great Commission and many other ways to measure our spiritual life. This could be used as an introduction to any of these topics. But Christ said that the primary way we will be known / measured as Christians in by our love for others. (John 13:35)


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Dart Test

A young lady named Sally, relates an experience she had in a seminary class, given by her teacher, Dr. Smith. She says Dr. Smith was known for his elaborate object lessons.

One particular day, Sally walked into the seminary class and knew they were in for a fun day. On the wall was a big target, and on a nearby table were many darts. Dr. Smith told his students to draw a picture of someone that they disliked or someone who had made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person’s picture, if they wished.

Sally’s girlfriend drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Another friend drew a picture of his little brother. Sally drew a picture of a former friend, putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face. Sally was pleased with the overall effect she had achieved.

The class lined up and began throwing darts. Some of the students threw their darts with such force that their targets were ripped apart. Sally looked forward to her turn, and was filled with disappointment when Dr. Smith, because of time limits, asked the students to return to their seats.

As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn’t have a chance to throw any darts at her target. Dr. Smith began removing the target from the wall.

Underneath the Target was a picture of Jesus.

A hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covered His face, and His eyes were pierced.

Dr. Smith said only these words…..

“In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40.

No other words were necessary; tears filled the eyes of the students, focused only on the picture of Christ.

– Author Unknown

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Window Christians

A small mirror and a piece of window pane glass.

1. These two objects that are both made from a flat piece of glass, yet they are quite different. Name some of the differences?
(In one you see yourself. Through the other you see other things.)
2. As you go through the day are your thoughts more on yourself or on others?
3. Imagine living in a house where all the windows have been turned into mirrors. How would you like living there? You wouldn’t be able to see outside. You wouldn’t see the sun, the trees, the clouds, your friends walking by, or anything else. It would also make your house very dark as it is at night because no light can get through a mirror.
4. The same thing happens when you and I think mostly about ourselves. Life gets dark for us. We stop seeing the beautiful things around us and the exciting ways we could help other people. We only see ourselves.

God doesn’t want us to always be focused on ourselves but to be focused on him and other people. God wants us to spend more time looking out for others than looking out for ourselves. When we spend more time thinking about what other people need and less time about our own wants and needs, we become happier more blessed people.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Invisible Helper

Bring a variety of items that involve air in some way. Possibilities are: balloons, a bicycle tire, a hair dryer, various types of inflatable balls (such as basketballs, soccer balls), an air pump, a water floatation device, an aerosol can, a fan, a paper windmill, soap bubbles, a super soaker water gun which uses air pressure, etc.

Ask kids to identify what all the objects have in common? The answer is that they all use air. While we can’t see the air, we know it is there because of the affects it has on each of these objects.

After Jesus left earth, we couldn’t see him anymore. But he promised to be with us forever. He also promised to send a help John 14:16. We can’t see the helper but we can see the things he does, the affect that he has on us and other people. We know he is there by the things that he does. The same is true of the Helper, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Magnifying Glass

Magnifying Glass

Magnifying glasses are fascinating and lots of fun. Let the children play with it for a minute – making their EYES big, looking at plants, etc. Point out that magnifying glasses are very useful. They are found in microscopes to help scientists & doctors see the “invisible,” and they are in telescopes to help us see things far, far away. The principle is easy – we look through them and can see things better.

Questions are like magnifying glasses for our understanding. When we don’t understand, we ask questions and things become clearer. And just like in a microscope – sometimes the things we cannot see or understand become clear. We can see the “invisible”


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Does It Work?

Bring in a variety of electronic and electrical appliances. Some ideas are: a mixer, a calculator, a game boy, a hair dryer, a telephone, a watch, a camera, a computer, a toy car, etc.

Ask kids to describe what each device is used for and how each works. Ask them really tough questions about each so that they discover they really don’t know all the details about how they actually work. You can discuss electricity, power generation, motors, microchips, and many other very difficult details.

The fact that we do not know all the details about how something works does not mean we cannot use it. There are many people driving cars that could never fix a car. Many people are using computers that don’t know how all the hardware works or how a computer chip works.

In the same way, we may have lots of unanswered questions about God and life, but that mean that we cannot believe in God and put our trust in Him. The question is not HOW does it work, but DOES it work?


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Bring in a variety of photos from magazines or advertisements.
1. Foods
2. Tools
3. Clothing
4. Electrical devices

Create category labels. These could be simple lettered signs or envelopes with the categories printed on them. Have children sort the images according to categories.

While the images point us to objects and cause us to think of specific items, they are not real items. If you eat a picture of a banana it does not taste like a banana and does not give us the nutritional benefits of a banana. If we try to drive a nail with a picture of a hammer we will not be successful. A picture of a car will not bring us to church. These are only images.

Reality–real objects are very different from the images. The same is true about God. Sometimes we have difficulty understanding God because we cannot picture him in our minds. While we can read about him in the Bible and visualize what He is like, He is far greater than what we can imagine. It is a mistake to see God as a simple image. That is why the Bible forbids us to make models and figures to represent God. There is a tendency to worship the image instead of what the image represents. This is like eating photographs instead of real food!

God is not a picture hanging on the wall. He is real! He is much greater and deserves respect.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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A clear plastic cup; a pitcher of water, a large bowl.
(Have the cup full of marbles, rocks, sand etc.)
Salted peanuts.

Allow the kids to enjoy the salted peanuts which will make them thirsty.
Would anybody here care for a drink?
I’ll fill this cup and then you’ll be able to have a nice drink.
Pour the drink into the cup.
There seems to be a problem. What seems to be wrong?
Let a child answer.
Yes, the problem is that the cup is already filled.
I can’t drink from the cup until I empty it out first.

This is something like Jesus did with the woman at the well in John 4:1-26. He met her and talked to her. Then by his questions he made her curious. He made her thirsty to know about God. But then after she was thirsty Jesus showed her that he could not fill her cup with the Living Water because the cup was dirty. She had to clean the cup first. Her cup was dirty with sins she needed to confess.

Object Lesson
Write each child’s name on a cup.
* What is it that fills your cup?
* What things are most important to you?
* How do you spend all your time?
* What activities fill your day?
* Are there some things that are bad, that dirty your cup?

All you have to do is confess to God what they are and he will cleanse them away.

Are you thirsty? Do you really want God in your life? If you want God in your life you need to make room for him.

In what ways can we create a thirst for God in others?
In what ways can we be salt that creates a thirst for God in Others?

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Sensitive to the Spirit

John 16:8; Psalm 51:3-5; 1 John 1:8-9

A pile of cushions on the floor, with a dried pea hidden underneath

Central Truth
Christians are sensitive to sin because of the presence of the Holy Spirit inside them

Get some volunteers to sit on the cushions and see if they can guess what is hidden underneath. Does anyone know the fairy-tale of the princess and the pea? Because she was a princess she could feel a single pea under her mattress when she slept. It is a very silly story because although our skin is very sensitive, it could never be sensitive enough to feel a pea under a mattress.

We are like princes and princesses because we are Children of the King! One of the things the Holy Spirit does is to make us sensitive —not to peas, but to sins like jealousy and lying, selfishness and sulkiness. We should not be surprised that we notice these ‘peas’ in our lives, because God wants us to admit that they are there and get rid of them. We can only get rid of them when we recognise them. Without the Holy Spirit, we do not even notice them. This sensitivity is an essential part of the Holy Spirit’s work to make us like Jesus.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Roses and Thorns

A Rose (or other flower)

Show a beautiful flower to the children – talk about how fragrant and pleasing it is. Next bruise some of the rose petals and point out the thorns. Jesus Body was bruised for our iniquities and a crown of thorns was placed on his head.

Now Enlist someone to be a timekeeper and someone to take the rose and see how fast he/she can pull all the petals off the flower. (Make this into a fun contest). At the end of the “race” announce the time – then ask for another volunteer. Get the timekeeper ready and then announce – “Ok, let’s see if you can beat that time. Are you ready? Ok, get set….put it back together.”

This is an interesting moment.

Sometimes things may seem hopeless. Christ was crucified, his body bruised, his blood shed and he was dead. Point out that only God can make a rose. We can destroy it like Christ’s body was crucified and it may seem impossible to bring it back to life. But with God all things are possible. No matter how hard one tries, you cannot rebuild a rose. It’s ruined. But then point out that God can restore life through Jesus Christ.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Creator and Created

A padlock and a key that turns it; a tin of food and a tin opener; a nut and a nut-cracker, various other items that go together.

Begin by showing the lock and asking what it can be used for. After receiving a few suggestions, begin to question whether they are correct. After all, a lock has no single use at all without a key. Make exactly the same point using the can and the nut.

Our lives find meaning only in relationship with the Creator. We are created with a purpose and Only God knows that purpose. We also do not all have the same purpose. We are all different and special. Life without God is like a padlock with no key. God has made us for a purpose and by working together with God can we achieve that purpose.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Sink or Float?

Object Lesson
Diet coke will float but regular coke will sink. (Technically this is because the sugar substitute used in diet coke is not as dense as real sugar)

How many of us live on LITE or Diet Christianity… We want the grace but not the cross, we want forgiveness without obedience, we want blessing without the trials, we want security without the trust, we want service without sacrifice. Too often our Christianity has no depth. We just live Christianity on the surface.

Note: If you are having problems with it floating you can also use ICE water and warm coke light to make it float easier.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Can of spray paint, mothballs, and a ziplock bag, and separately, some molded bread, some rotten fruit, a rusted peice of metal, and a cloth rag that has a hole worn in it. (You can grind the cloth on a piece of concrete using your foot to make a hole.)

Show the Can anyone tell me what I have here? That’s right, this is a can of spray paint, these are mothballs, and this a padlock. They may not seem to have a lot in common, but actually they do. Each of them is used to protect something. The paint covers objects made of metal and protects them from rust; the mothballs are put in a closet with clothes to protect them from moths and keep them from rotting; and the ziplock bag is used to put food in so that it does not spoil as quickly.

Show them what can happen without protection. Metal will rust out, cloth can get eaten by moths, and food can spoil. What we don’t realize is that rust starts with one little spot and it keep growing. One small hole in a cloth can become a huge one, and one little rotten spot or molded spot on a piece of bread leads to the whole bread becoming molded. It is the same with sin.. one little sin can lead to very bad things.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Picnic basket, thermos filled with grape juice, red-checkered picnic tablecloth, A wooden cross lying in the bottom of the basket, Load of French bread sticking out of basket. Cut some corporate Logos from newspapers and magazines and glue them to sheets of paper. Some possibilities are the McDonald’s Logo, Nike, Coke, Pokemon character, Disney, IBM, etc. Try to choose logos that would be recognized by your age group. You can also use common signs like a stop sign, streetlight, male and female toilets, $, MRT logo, etc. Place all of these items in the basket.

(Show the children / youth the items but do not open the picnic basket to see the contents yet.) What do you think of when you see these items? Most of us think of a picnic!

Lay out the picnic tablecloth on the floor and set the basic in the middle of it. Invite the children / youth to join you around the basket.

One night, Jesus had supper with his disciples. We call it the Last Supper. What do you think they ate at the last supper? Jesus took two things at the supper and used them as symbols. Take out the sheets with symbols you have created and see if the children can guess what each symbol represents. Lastly, take the bread and pour the grape juice into a clear cup or glass. Ask the children what these things represent.

Explain the significance of the broken bread and the wine. Explain that just symbols are a reminder of something important, the last Supper reminds us that Jesus’ body was broken and his blood was shed s that we might have forgiveness from our sins. Finally take out the cross and tell them that just as the cross has become a symbol of churches (you find them on top of most church buildings to advertise that it is a church) the Lord’s supper is supposed to advertise the death of Christ for our sins.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Shelter in the Storms?

Bring in a variety of plants, flowers, etc. You can also bring in various vegetables and fruits. Buy two small plants. Water one to make it green and full of life. Let the other one dry and shrivel up.

Ask youth to identify the different plants if they can. What fruits do they produce? What is their purpose? Is anyone good at taking care of plants? What do plants need to thrive? Ask youth to explain the difference between the green plant and the one that is shriveled and dead.

Have you ever been frightened in a storm?
Where was this storm?
What did you do?
How did you feel?
How many of you like storms…thunder… Lightening?
How many of you are afraid of them?
Have you ever been caught outside in a storm?
Are storms good or bad?
Would a plant describe a storm as good or bad?

Storms are necessary to water the plants, but sometimes frightening. Trees that have weather storms are stronger than those that have not been tested by the winds. Sometimes God shelters us. Other times he is with us as we are forced to endure the storms. Whenever things get bad and we think of the fear and the difficulties, remember the flowers, trees, and plants that give us fruit and vegetables that result from the storms.

God sometimes allows storms in our lives to help us grow stronger.
James 1:2-4, 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, Isaiah 43:2, Psalms 121:4,8, John 14:27, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Psalms 46:1.

Storms season the trees. The stress on them makes them stronger as they grow—able to withstand the winds. Sheltered trees will have weaker wood.

Scripture tells us that certain kinds of stress not only make us stronger but can even serve to bring out the best in us (Jeremiah 9:7; Zechariah 13:9; Malachi 3:2-3; 1 Corinthians 3:13-15; 1 Peter 1:6-7).

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Gather all kinds of tickets and ticket stubs to share with the children. (i.e. plane tickets, bus ticket, movie tickets, amusement park ride tickets, zoo tickets, etc.)

Point out that just about everything requires a ticket to get in. We pay some price (large or small) and in exchange are given a ticket. It can be expensive for some tickets (plane tickets to Hawaii for example) or not so expensive (50 cent bus tickets).

“How much do you think it would cost to get a ticket to ride to heaven and live in a beautiful mansion forever?” Point out that no amount of money or good deeds can purchase us a ticket to heaven. There’s only one way to get in – Jesus has to take us there. He has given us salvation as a free gift. All we need to do to get in to heaven is to tell God we know Jesus and he will let us in. Jesus has gone to prepare the place for us and God will let us in if we know Jesus.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Sports Equipment

A variety of sports equipment. Possibilities include: (a baseball mitt, baseball, bat, and baseball cap), (soccerball, soccer shoe, shin guard), (golf club, golf ball, putter, golf tee), (table tennis table, ping-pong ball, racket, net), (basketball, basketball net), (chessboard, chess pieces), (Chinese chess pieces and board), (tennis ball, tennis racket), (croquet set), (swimming fins, goggles, swimsuit, skull cap), (bowling ball, shoes, and glove) and various balls and equipments from other sports. While using actual equipment will make the lesson more exciting, if you can’t obtain the different sports equipment you can write the names of the items on note cards.

Have children or youth group the items together. As a children’s sermon make believe you are playing the different sports, but use the wrong equipment. For a fun youth lesson, actually play a sport with the wrong equipment.)

While we may be able to play with the wrong equipment, we are NOT going to break any records. If I hit a basketball with a golf club it will take me forever to reach the hole and when I reach the hole the ball won’t fit! While some small items like a baseball cap may not make a difference, other equipment may be impossible to use for the wrong game. Imagine running a race in flippers. If you want to be successful and victorious you need to use the right equipment.

Solomon tried a lot of things in life. While some of them worked for a while, his relationship with God was the only thing that could let him be successful and victorious spiritually.

Alternate Application
Applied to Spiritual gifts, God gives us each gifts with a purpose. Like a piece of sports equipment, We each have our own role to play in this game called life. We are not all called to play the same game or even to use the same gifts and skills. If we try to serve God in ways for which we were not created or for which he did not intend for us to serve, we may be able to function, but we will be far from our potential in Christ.

Alternate Application
While some of the wrong equipment may work for a while, you won’t realise your true potential until you use the right equipment for the right task and are pursuing the right goal. For Paul, (Phil 3:12 – 16 ) there was only one goal that mattered. His relationship with God was the only thing that could let him be successful and victorious spiritually. We have to make sure that in life we are playing the right game and pursuing the right goals.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get "Destined to Win" Youth Bible Study SeriesDestined to Win
Need a Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series on “Running the Christian Race”?

Our “Destined to Win” series is a great follow up for youth who are new Christians or to emphasize the basics of our spiritual Journey in the Faith. This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum / Small Group Study has a sports theme and is great for athletes and works well as a tie in to the Olympics.
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Ready for the Salvation of God

Several items from the list below. (This activity may also be done by drawing a simple picture of each object or showing a photo.)

Safety Belt – If you knew that you were going to be in a terrible car accident, you would be sure to wear your seat belt and make sure you were safe!

Steel Toed Boots – If you knew you were going to accidentally drop a brick on your foot you would wear protective shoes

Life vest – If you were going out in a boat on the sea and knew that the boat was going to sink you would be sure to wear your life vest so you did not drown.

Goggles – If you knew that some small pieces of metal were going to fly into your eyes, you would be happy to have googles to protect your eyes.

Bandage – If you knew that you were going to cut your finger you would be happy to have a bandage to stop the bleeding.

House – If you knew a hurricane was going to hit town today, you wouldn’t go to the beach for a swim; you’d shut yourself up in the sturdiest room in your house and be ready!

Hard Hat – If you knew a board was going to fall from above you would be happy to wear a hard hat to protect your head.

Boat – If you knew there was going to be a terrible flood, you would be happy to have a boat to excape the danger.

Hell – Light the match to show flames.

Reveal the cross – Salvation through Jesus is the way to escape the danger of hell and be ready for eternity!

If any of you knew that you were headed for danger, you would be sure to be ready. Explain to students how to be ready for eternity using your favorite Gospel Presentation.

Use this series of object lessons to remind youth that we need to be prepared for eternity. (Matthew 24:44)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Drawing from the Source

Use a stalk of celery, freshly cut on one end. Place it in a glass half full of grape juice or red-dyed water. Note that the celery will soak up the color through it’s stem, thus changing the color of the celery. You can use several sticks of celery and place them in various colors of dyed water. If you use food coloring then the stick will still be edible for a snack but be in unusual colors. You can even make black or brown that could represent drawing from a bad source.

What determines what the celery will be like?
The plant, the roots of the plant, water, sun, circumstances, and drawing from the source what it needs all determine what the celery will be like. In the same way, the source from which we fulfill our needs, the Living Water in our lives, the SON, and circumstances all affect what we are like. How consistently we draw from our Source (abide) also affects us. (See John 15)


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Sweet grapes or Sour grapes?

Place a bowl of seedless grapes in the middle of the room. There should be enough grapes for everyone to have one. You may have additional grapes to be used as a snack.

Ask everyone to sit in a circle around the bowl. Have each person to look into the bowl and choose a grape, remove it from the bowl, and study it carefully.
* How did this grape grow?
* What is the purpose of this grape?
* What determines a bad grape from a good grape?
Have everyone return their grapes to a different bowl. (These might not be edible again after they touch them and possibly mangle them) Mix up the grapes and see if the youth can find their original grapes.
* Are you sure it is the same grape?
* How can you tell?
* What special marking or color does your grape have?
* Who has the best grape? Why?
* In what ways are we like these grapes?

Like the grapes, no two of us are alike, but we all have the same purpose in life: To abide and reproduce. What determines a good or bad grape is what lies beneath the skin. The skin doesn’t matter. A grape may be nutritious, good, tasty, sweet, sour, rotten, worm eaten, hard or soft. People may have sour personalities, rotten, eaten inside by sin, hard hearts or soft hearts. Other people may be sweet, good, a delight to be around, and beneficial to others.

The vine, the roots of the vine, water, sun, circumstances, and drawing from the vine what it needs all determine what the grape will be like. In the same way, the source from which we fulfill our needs, the Living Water in our lives, the SON, and circumstances all affect what we are like. How consistently we draw from our Source (abide) also affects us. Circumstances and sin may cause us to be bruised or if it becomes sin becomes the primary characteristic of who we are we become rotten or sour. (See John 15)


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Tree-mendous growth

Select a location where there are several large trees growing. You might also need a ground sheet students can lie on. You’ll need several Bibles.

Take your group to the selected trees. Form groups of no more than five and have each group select a tree. Have kids lie under the trees, looking up at the branches. Have a volunteer in each group read John 15:5-10, then have kids answer questions about themselves and their trees in their groups.

1. Imagine this tree is a picture of Christ and his followers.
* Which part of the tree would you label as Christ? Explain.
* Which part would be his followers? Why?
2. Have kids look for branches that are dead and need pruning.
* Why do branches die?
* How might someone become spiritually dead, like a dead branch?
3. Look for new growth.
* In what ways have you experienced new growth spiritually?
4. Look for evidence that the tree is reproducing, such as seeds or fruit.
* What areas of your Christian life are producing fruit?

Additional Activity
Have each person choose a branch that is most like him or her spiritually and explain why they’ve chosen this branch. For example, someone might say, “This branch is like me because it has lots of new growth, and I’ve been growing a lot in my faith recently.”

Close by having groups each form a circle around their tree and pray that they’ll grow in Christ, the true vine.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Taking the heat

1 cm diameter and 6+ cm length of copper tubing or copper pipe, a couple sheets of ordinary paper cut to a length slight short than the copper pipe, cigarette lighter, matches, or a lit candle.

This is a simple demonstration from physics in that some materials conduct heat more efficiently than others. Take a strip of paper and place it in a flame. Within seconds it will catch fire and burn. Yet wrap an identical piece of paper tightly around a length of copper tubing or copper pipe and you can place it in the flame indefinitely without it catching fire. This is because copper is a better conductor of heat than paper and the copper tube dissipates the heat so that it never reaches the combustion point. (The easiest way to do this is to cut 4 or 5 cm wide strips from a piece of a4 size paper. Place the copper pipe in the middle of the strip of paper then hold the two ends of the paper together so that it grasps the pipe)

When we are on our own and placed over the fire we are toast! We can’t take the heat. But when our lives are wrapped tightly around God he takes the heat for us. God helps us deal with the difficult times in life by taking the heat off of us.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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How to Use Object Lessons

  1. Choose the idea you want to illustrate and find an object that can represent that idea.
  2. Plan every step for using the object lesson carefully in advance.
    —Make an outline of the required steps.
    —Keep the demonstration simple.
    —Do not digress from the main ideas.
  3. Practice using the object to illustrate the truth until it is smooth.
  4. Rehearse your demonstration with a “guinea pig” if possible. Try to find someone around the same age as the intended audience.
  5. Tell a story the listener can relate to along with the object lesson. Stories have an emotional impact on the listener and provide a means by which younger children, who think in very concrete terms can identify with the truth.
  6. Be sure every member of class can see demonstration.
  7. Check frequently to make sure the demonstration is understood.
  8. Keep summarizing as you go along.
  9. Don’t hurry the lesson or drag out the lesson.
  10. Keep the punch line to the very end and build the suspense if you can. Make sure your draw the connection between the object and the idea.
  11. Resist the temptation to explain all the deep symbolism you’ve been able to uncover. The power of an object lesson is in its simplicity. One of the quickest ways to ruin an object lesson is try to make it more than it is. Make just one truth visible to your students – that’s enough. Be sure that all details are authentic.
  12. Remember that it’s the Holy Spirit, not your object lesson, that instructs and changes students. Never use a visual aid because you are caught short. They must work for you, not instead of you. Remember: They are a means to an end, not an end in themselves

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Lessons


  1. Objects attract and hold the attention of observers
  2. Objects can help simplify complex ideas and concepts.
  3. The high interest level extends to all age groups even though they are usually used with children.
  4. Retention is very good due to the high interest as well as the identification of the truth with the object.
  5. Object lessons turn people’s “eyes into ears.” Because people think in terms of words and images, objects help them recall what is taught.
  6. Object lessons are fairly easy to use in a class and elaborate equipment is not necessary
  7. The student is given first-hand experience by coming into contact with the object
  8. Because of nature of object lessons, the teacher will develop the habit of graphic, colorful portrayal of truth which will make all teaching more powerful.


  1. The time is usually short so must be used as a part of a class. Usually as an introduction or an illustration or conclusion.
  2. Thinking of object lessons is very hard for many people. Keep your mind open to possible object lessons in your everyday life.
  3. Objects may obscure the truth rather than clarify and simplify.
  4. Small objects do not work well with large groups.
  5. There is a danger that students may become more interested in the object than the lesson that is being presented.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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No Power

Electrical appliances and other items which are useless without power

Demonstrate various electric tools and appliances without plugging them in:
1. Use your electric screw driver to turn a screw.
2. Mix a drink with a spoon using your blender.
3. Sit in front of a fan that is off, fanning yourself with your hand.
4. Sharpen your pencil by hand in an electric pencil sharpener.

Explain to the children how useful these tools are. Of course someone will speak up and tell you why they are not working too well.
These things were all created to work under electrical power.

In the same way we were all created to work under God’s power. While we were each created with a purpose, only through God’s strength can we be fully effective and do all the things God created us to do.
2 Corinthians 4:7

In this object lesson, children and youth are reminded that God created us with a special purpose, but that purpose can only be accomplished when we rely on his power rather than our own.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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By Him All Things Were Created

Construction paper (assorted colours). Stickers of animals, plants and stars. Glue.

Use one sheet of construction paper for each of the seven days of creation and add one extra sheet with a cross, 8 sheets in all.
Day 1. On the first page, paste a large black circle with a semicircle of yellow covering half of it. Over this, we paste a large number 1. This represents the first day of creation. God created light.
Day 2. For the next page, place a second circle of dark blue and a semi-circle of light blue over it, dividing it into a top and bottom half. Then paste a large number 2. God divided the waters.
Day 3. The third day was dry land, and then vegetation. So divide another circle into blue and brown. On the brown half, stick stickers of grass, flowers, trees, vegetables, etc. Then a large number 3.
Day 4. Day four was the planets and stars, so use a solid black circle with a yellow number four. Place stickers of stars, suns, moon, comets, etc. all around the circle.
Day 5. For day five use a dark blue bottom half and a light blue top half of a circle, the number 5 and stickers of birds and fish in the appropriate places.
Day 6. For day six, we use a whole green circle and glue on stickers of all the different kinds of animals. Then add stickers of people or children to the circle and the number 6.
Day 7. For day seven, use one circle of a glittery, rainbow-colored paper and a large number 7. And then write “on the 7th day, God rested”.
Final Page For the eighth peice of paper, add a cross representing Christ, add a construction paper cover and simply write on the front “In the beginning…”. Use this to explain Creation

Scripture tells us that Jesus was present and involved in creation itself. But Jesus not only created us but redeems us. Colossians 1:15-20

Use this booklet to illustrate the days of creation and remind them that Christ was involved in Creation

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Image of an Invisible God

Image of an Invisible God

TV set

Explain that while we are surrounded by television signals, we cannot see them. In order to see this signal we need a TV to show it to us. Different channels are on different frequencies. Demonstrate the TV set to the children.

A TV in some ways represents Christ. God is all around us but we cannot see him. But Christ came and brought the message of God to all the World in a visible form that people could see. Colossians 1:15-20

Variation or Addition
Demonstrate the use of a balloon or have competitions and games involving balloons. For application, explain that while we are surrounded by air, we cannot see it. When we blow up a balloon, we cannot see the air, but we can see the change it makes in the balloon. In the same way, others may not be able to see Jesus or God around them, but they will be able to see the change he makes in us. (Colossians 3:10)

This activity illustrates the truth that while God is all around us, it is through Christ and other Christians that we are able to see Him.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Wrap up several empty boxes in bright wrappers. Try to use boxes that are from items the participants would enjoy such as toys, snacks, etc. If the box obviously looks like object participants like, this object lesson is more effective.

Give participants a lot of play monopoly money and then hold an auction for the gifts. As you hold up gifts allow the students to try to guess what is wrapped up. (Don’t let them touch the gifts or they will guess the boxes are empty) You might suggest that some of the students can team up to buy an item and pool their money together. After all gifts have been auctioned off, allow everyone to open their gifts. Of course they will all be disappointed that the boxes are empty. Then bring out a treat for everyone.

We often spend a lot of time, money, and effort for things we think are going to be so wonderful and when we finally get them we still feel empty and disappointed like these empty boxes. Yet Jesus promises us a gift of eternal life to everyone. We don’t have enough money to pay for it, but he paid for it with his life on a Cross. That’s what Easter is about. That’s what salvation is about. Jesus paid the price so we could have the gift of eternal life. We can try to find enjoyment and happiness in life through all kinds of things, but they can only be found in God.

This object lesson can be adapted for all ages and used as a children’s sermon, a teaching illustration or as an object lesson. Most people at some time or another have spent time, effort and money on things that did not satisfy, that left us feeling empty and maybe even cheated. Only the pursuit of God will bring true fulfillment in life.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” -John 8:32

Orgami Paper Bird and paper cage.

Discussion Starter
Would you like to be a bird? Why?

Place the bird in the cage. Ask, how do you think the bird feels now?

But its a gold cage. He doesn’t need to worry about food or water. He doesn’t need to worry about rain or snow.

What if the bird always lived in a cage?
In a way this describes us. The name of our cage is “sin.” We are born in sin. But if we know Jesus, (the way, the truth, and the life) then we will be set free from sin.

Use other keys and locks as object lessons, Trick handcuffs, combination lock, magician’s rope trick.

Key point
Only one key fits each lock
If you know the secret you can escape from the handcuffs. If you know the combination you can open the lock. If you are tied up, if you know the trick you can escape from the ropes which bind you.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Waiting on God

Egg timer, stop watch, alarm clock, wall clock, a metronome and anything else used to tell time.

Begin with some questions:
What are some things you really would like to have, but don’t have yet?
What are some things you would like to do, but haven’t done yet?
Where are some places you would like to go, but haven’t gone yet?

It’s often hard to wait on things. For some things we are not old enough yet? For other things we don’t have the money yet? Maybe we don’t even have the ability yet. You are not old enough to drive a car. You may not have enough money for a new bike. You may not have the skills to be a doctor yet.

God has plans for everything, but not everything may be ready yet. Sometimes we have to wait until God has everything ready. We have to trust he knows the right time for everything.

Show children all the time devices. Explain how each works.

God says that learning to be patient is good for us. We can’t expect everything we want immediately. We must learn to wait on God’s perfect timing. (Hold up a clock) God has a set time for everything to happen, according to his plan. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) We must trust God completely, because we know he has a perfect plan for each one of his children. Sometimes doing God’s will means waiting for his timing. See also Romans 5:3-4; Hebrews 10:36


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Out of Tune?

Guitar that is intentionally “out of tune”

1. Choose a song that everyone is familiar with and begin singing it with a guitar that is badly “out of tune”. Participants are sure to stop you or say something about the “out of tune” guitar.

2. Get someone to tune only the first guitar string using a tuning fork, piano, electronic tuner, or a pitch pipe. Sing again!

3. Keep trying until you have tuned each string.

Christians are like this “out of tune” guitar. Everything has to be right, each string right, so that we are in tune with God. A string can’t be too tight or too loose or it will not be right. All of us have to make choices in life. Some things are right and some choices are wrong. When we make bad choices we get out of God’s will – out of tune and our life sounds terrible to God.

What are some things you might be too tightly strung about? What affect does that have on your relationship with God?

What are some things you might be too loose about? What effect does that have on your relationship with God?

What did we use to correctly tune the guitar strings?
A standard for comparison. A pitch fork et. al. is already set to the correct pitch. By comparing the sound of the string to the sound of the pitch fork we can set the string to the right tune.

What is the standard we need to determine if our life is correct or not? 
Our standard is the bible. We compare our life to what the Bible says is right and wrong and we can discover if our life is in tune.

After the guitar has been tuned, sing through several songs the youth know that deal with following God.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Grains of Wheat

Set up a checker board or chess board with grains of wheat according to the following story.

Some time ago there was a display at the museum of Science and industry in Chicago. It featured a checkerboard with 1 grain of wheat on the first square, 2 on the second, 4 on the third, and 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. A few squares down the board there were so many grains of wheat they couldn’t fit on one square. Above the display was this question: “At this rate of doubling every square, how much grain would you have on the checkerboard by the time you reached the 64th square?” Ask youth how much grain they think that would be?

After they finish giving their answers, give them the correct answer: “Enough grain to cover the entire subcontinent of India 50 feet deep.”

Our faith may start out small, but as God uses it, the end result can be very large! 2 Corinthians 9:6

Give each youth a grain of wheat and ask them to visualize it as a representation of some area where they need to trust God. They must take it home and place it in a prominent place where they will see it regularly and be reminded to pray.

Leave the board in place, but remove the grains of wheat and place them in a bowl next to it. Every time a prayer is answered youth must place a grain of wheat on the board and grab another grain of wheat to place with thier previous one at home. As prayers are answered the grains will grow and youth will have a visible reminder to pray and that God answers our prayers.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Sand Dollar

sand_dollar.jpgThe markings on a sand dollar represent aspects of Christ’s birth and death.
1. The five-point outline on the front of the sand dollar represents the star of Bethlehem.
2. The five holes in the sand dollar represent the pierced hands, feet, and side of Christ.
3. When the sand dollar is opened, it yields five small objects that look remarkably like doves in flight, thus representing the Holy Spirit.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Easter Cookies

1 cup whole pecans, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 3 egg whites, pinch salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 large plastic zip bag, wooden spoon, mixing bowl, cookie sheet, wax paper, tape, Bible.

Preheat your oven to 150 degrees Celsius.

1. Place the pecans in a large plastic zip bag and let the youth beat them with the wooden spoon to break them into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, the Roman soldiers beat him.
Read John 19:1-3.

2. Let each youth smell the vinegar. Put 1 teaspoon of vinegar into a mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross he was given vinegar to drink.
Read John 19: 28-30.

3. Add egg whites to vinegar. Explain the eggs as representing life and that Jesus gave his life to give us life.
Read John 10:10-11.

4. Sprinkle a little salt into both hands of each youth. Let them taste it from one hand and brush it from the other hand into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers and the bitterness of our own sin.
Read Luke 23:27.

5. Say “So far the ingredients are not very appetizing.” Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because he loves us. He wants us to know and belong to him.
Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.

6. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain the color white as representing the purity God sees in those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.
Read Isaiah 11:8 and John 3:1-3.

7. Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a wax paper-covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid.
Read Matthew 27:57-60.

8. Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven off. Seal the oven door with tape. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed.
Read Matthew 27:65-66.

9. Wait a couple of hours. If you do this in the context of an overnight meeting, wait until the next morning. (Make sure the oven is off). Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven, and in the same way Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed.
Read John 16:20 and 22.

10. Open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow. On the first Easter Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty.
Read Matthew 28:1-9.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Roses and Thorns

A Rose

1. Pass around a beautiful rose, with the thorns still intact, to the youth. Talk about how fragrant and pleasing it is.

2. Next bruise some of the rose petals and point out the thorns. Jesus Body was bruised for our iniquities and a crown of thorns was placed on his head.

3. Now Enlist someone to be a timekeeper and someone to take the rose and see how fast he/she can pull all the petals off the rose. (Make this into a fun contest). At the end of the “race” announce the time it took

4. Ask for another volunteer. Get the timekeeper ready and then announce – “Ok, let’s see if you can beat that time. Are you ready? Ok, get set….put it back together.”

5. This is an interesting moment.

Sometimes things may seem hopeless. Christ was crucified, his body bruised, his blood shed and he was dead. While only God can make a rose, we can destroy it. In the same way, Christ’s was God in flesh, flesh created by God and then crucified by men. It seemed impossible to bring him back to life. But with God all things are possible. No matter how hard one tries, you cannot rebuild a rose. It’s ruined. But God can restore life through Jesus Christ. Give each person a rose to remind them of the Easter story.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Clear Marbles

Give a clear marble to each student and ask them to look through it. The image of whatever they are looking at will be upside down.

Use this to introduce Romans 12:2—”Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Our faith can cause us to turn the things of the world upside-down—and the world can turn our faith upside-down too.

What are some ways that Christ turns our world upside down?
What are some events that cause people’s faith to be turned upside down?
Describe a time when your faith was turned upside down?
Many of Christ’s teachings were opposite of what people expected. What were some things that Christ taught that turned the world upside down for the early believers?
How is looking through the marble similar to looking at things through spiritual eyes?
What things affect the way we view life? Has your view on anything changed since you became a Christian? What things have changed?


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Slow Leaks

basketball.jpgSo many of the sports we play today involve little round objects which we hit, kick, drive or dribble toward a goal. We have basketballs, golf balls, tennis balls, and soccer balls, just to name a few.

Many men my age prefer golf. With golf, the objective is to a hit a little ball into a little hole from half-way around the world. Personally I find golf more an exercize in frustration rather than enjoyable recreation.

I have a preference for basketball. With basketball you can take a much bigger ball, get as close as you want to the hole, and jam it down the hole if you have the vertical leap to do so.

While golf requires expensive club memberships, green fees and a heavy collection of golfclubs, all I need is a basketball and a short trip to the nearest basketball court – which happens to be free.

Unfortunately my basketball has developed a little bit of a problem. It doesn’t quite bounce like it once did. Instead of bouncing into action as it once did, it generally hits the ground with a dull thud. Without a forceful push from an outside force, it is perfectly content to just sit there. And even when pushed pushed, It seems tends to roll off the court and spend the day simply lying around.

You can’t tell by looking at it, but over time my basketball has gone flat. I can’t point to a specific point in time when it lost its bounce. I can’t find any teethmarks from the neighborhood dog or punctures from angry players. The real problem is that the basketball leaks!

Yet now that I have discovered the problem, the solution is quite simple. I take out my trusty air pump and give it a periodic refill.

Yet what is true of my basketball is also true of us as Christians. There was a time when we all had a spring in our step and bounced into action when a spiritual goal was placed before us. But something has changed. We probably can’t point to a specific event that took the air out of our Christianity, but our spiritual life is now flat. We have the same problem as my basketball– we leak! Mediocrity is rarely the result of a blowout, but more often the result of a slow leak.

So how do we get that bounce back in our step? How do we change that dull thud into high flying goals? Instead of rolling away from His heavenly court and sitting in spiritual stagnation, we draw near to God and let him fill us with his presence. “Be ye continually being filled.” (Eph 5:18b)

Get "Go for the Gold" Youth Bible Study Series
Go for the Gold

Need an evangelistic Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series with an Olympic Theme?

What is salvation all about? What does it mean to be saved? This sports themed Bible Study / Camp Curriculum uses the Olympic Flag to introduce the concepts of sin (black circle), forgiveness (red circle), purity (white background), spiritual growth (green circle), heaven (Yellow Circle) and (Baptism) blue circle.
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Get "Destined to Win" Youth Bible Study Series
Destined to Win

Need a Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series on “Running the Christian Race”?

The race as a metaphor for the Christian life is used in several places in the Bible. This series is a great follow up for new Christians or to re-emphasize the basics of our spiritual Journey in the Faith. This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum has a sports theme and is great for athletes as well as a tie in to the youth Olympic Games.
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