Tag Archives: Mother’s Day

A Mother’s Day Card from Calvin and Hobbes

In a Calvin & Hobbes comic strip for Mother’s Day, Calvin is shown standing beside his
mother’s bed.

“Hey, Mom! Wake up. I made you a Mother’s Day card.”
“My, how sweet of you.” she says.
“I did it all by myself. Go ahead & read it.” Calvin responds.

So she reads it:
“I was going to buy a card with hearts of pink & red.
But then I thought I’d rather spend the money on me instead.
It’s awfully hard to buy things when one’s allowance is so small.
So I guess you’re pretty lucky I got you anything at all.
Happy Mother’s Day. There, Iíve said it. Now I’m done.
So how about getting out of bed & fixing breakfast for your son.”
Signed, “Calvin.”

“I’m deeply moved.” said his mother.
“Did you notice the part about my allowance?” He asks.

Take it to the Next Level
I sometimes wonder if our praise to God is often along the same lines?
We often fail to give to God because we are more concerned about using the money for ourselves.
I have bills to pay, kids to feed and my wife’s shopping sprees to pay for…
“I’d rather spend it on me.”
And then, we give God our praise, and worship,
but in the back of our minds we have an agenda:
“God, would you mind taking a look at my allowance?”


Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day celebration or youth event in honor of mothers. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do with your youth for the various holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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The Easiest Part Of Being A Mother Is Giving Birth

For the first four or five years after I had children, I considered motherhood a temporary condition – not a calling. It was a time of my life set aside for exhaustion and long hours. It would pass. Then one afternoon with three kids in tow, I came out of the supermarket pushing a cart (with four wheels that went in opposite directions) when my toddler son got away from me.

Just outside the door, he ran toward a machine holding bubble gum in a glass dome. In a voice that shattered glass, he shouted, “Gimme! Gimme!” I told him I would gimme him what-for if he didn’t stop shouting and get in the car. As I physically tried to pry his body from around the bubble gum machine, he pulled the entire thing over. Glass and balls of bubble gum went all over the parking lot. We had now attracted a crowd. Donna Reed would have brushed away his tears and granted him absolution on the spot. I wasn’t Donna Reed. I told him he would never see another cartoon as long as he lived, and if he didn’t control his temper he was going to be making license plates for the state. He tried to stifle his sobs as he looked around at the staring crowd. Then he did something that I was to remember the rest of my life. In his helpless quest for comfort, he turned to the only one he trusted his emotions with – me. He threw his arms around my knees and held on for dear life. I had humiliated him, chastised him and berated him, but I was still all he had. That single incident defined my role. I was a major force in this child’s life. Sometimes we forget how important stability is to a child. I’ve always told mine, “The easiest part of being a mother is giving birth. The hardest part is showing up for it each day.”

This is traditionally the day when children give something back to their mothers for all the spit they produced to wash dirty faces, all the old gum their mothers held in their hands, all the noses and fannies that were wiped, and all the bloody knees that were ” made well” with a kiss. This is the day mothers are rewarded for washing all those sheets in the middle of the night, driving kids to school when they missed the bus and enduring all the football games in the rain. It’s appreciation day for making them finish something, not believing them when they said, “I hate you,” and for sharing their good times and their bad times. Their cards probably won’t reflect it, but what they are trying to say is “Thank you for showing up.”

Erma Bombeck, BEING A MOM MEANS YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP. , St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 05-09-1993, pp 12C.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day celebration of youth event honoring mothers. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do with the youth for various common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Images of Mother

4 years old: My Mommy can do anything!
8 years old: My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 years old: My Mother doesn’t really know quite everything.
14 years old: Naturally, Mother doesn’t know that, either.
16 years old: Mother? She’s hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 years old: That old woman? She’s way out of date!
25 years old: Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 years old: Before we decide, let’s get Mom’s opinion.
45 years old: Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 years old: Wish I could talk it over with Mom

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day Celebration or event honoring mothers. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for the various common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Mother’s Day Ideas

Mother’s Day is around the corner and Creative Youth Ideas has lots of ideas for your special mother’s day activity or event.

There are ideas for a Children’s Sermon on Mothers Day and illustrations and stories for a sermon to mothers or youth talk. There are also some great Mother’s Day games and other ideas for that Special Mother’s Day event.

Mother’s Day Games and activities for youth

  • Are You My Mother? – This game can be a fun filled activity for Mother’s Day
  • Baby Animals – In this Mother’s Day game idea, Children or Youth will look at mothers in the animal kingdom as an illustration of the caring relationships between mother and child.
  • Famous Biblical Mothers – Use these youth games as icebreakers which revolve around famous Biblical mothers
  • Guess the Mother? or Child? – Use this activity as an icebreaker for your youth or children’s Mother’s Day event.
  • Mother Child Trivia – This Mother’s Day Game idea for youth makes a great activity to encourage mother-child communication, especially among teens.
  • Mother of Who? – Play a game of charades using the names of Biblical Mothers.
  • Mother Says – Use these games on Mother’s Day for a Mother’s Day children’s sermon.
  • Mother’s Day Games – Use these three games for a Mother’s Day youth Activity.
  • Sayings of Mothers – This Mother’s Day teaching activity can be a Children’s sermon or a reminder that mothers look after us just as the Heavenly Father does.
  • Sock Guess – This game for Mother’s Day reminds children and youth of the numerous roles that mothers play in our lives


Mother’s Day Stories and Sermon Illustrations for Youth


Mother’s Day Humor


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Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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The Red Rose

A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.

He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents and a rose costs two dollars.”

The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers.

As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.”

She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother’s home.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of Common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you not only to plan your Valentine’s Day, but also to plan events for other common holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for the various common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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How teens can give their parents a heart attack

  1. Brag about your parents once in a while. Let them know you are proud of them and tell others about it.
  2. Say “Yes” when your parents ask you to do something with them. They will be elated to know you are not ashamed to be seen with them.
  3. Be grateful for your parents. Parents really respond when their children occasionally say, “Thank you.” Give mom and dad credit for what they have done and are doing for you.
  4. Give your parents reason to be proud of the way you dress, how clean you keep your room, how consistently you practice your music lessons, and how you feel about God and your church.
  5. Be understanding if your parents are impatient. When they can’t buy you something you need right away, or when they worry about you more than you feel is necessary, try to see it their way.
  6. Give your parents a hug and say, “I love you” and show that you mean it.

If you follow these simple steps you’ll give your mom and dad a “heart attack” of new appreciation of restored communication and of love refreshed!

Try it!

(Adapted: Source unknown)

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day celebration for parents, as well as a variety of other familiar holidays and events. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for for common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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How To Pray For Your Children

What a comfort it is to know that our Lord prays for His own. It is of great comfort to even the very young child to know that his parents love him and care for him so much that they pray to their Heavenly Father about him. The following suggestions might be helpful as you think of praying for your child, for his needs now and in the future.

  1. That they will know Christ as Saviour early in life (Psalm 63:1 and I Timothy 3:15).
  2. That they will have a hatred for sin (Psalm 97:10).
  3. That they will be caught when guilty (Psalm 119:71).
  4. That they will be protected from the evil one in each area of their lives: spiritual, emotional, and physical (John 17.15).
  5. That they will have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships (Daniel 6:3).
  6. That they will respect those in authority over them (Romans 13:1).
  7. That they will desire the right kind of friends and be protected from the wrong friends (Proverbs 1:10-11).
  8. That they will be kept from the wrong mate and saved for the right one (II Corinthians 6.14-17).
  9. That they, as well as those they marry, will be kept pure until marriage (I Corinthians 6:18-20).
  10. That they will learn to totally submit to God and actively resist Satan in all circumstances (James 4:7).
  11. That they will be single-hearted, willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2).
  12. That they will be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places and that the wrong people cannot find their way to them (Hosea 2:6).

Pick one point a month to concentrate on. Within a year, you will have consistently prayed this entire list.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day or Father’s Day event as well as a variety of other common, but minor holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Need Washing?

A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Target.

We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in “Mom let’s run through the rain,” she said.

“What?” Mom asked.

“Lets run through the rain!” She repeated.

“No, honey. We’ll wait until it slows down a bit,” Mom replied.

This young child waited about another minute and repeated: “Mom, let’s run through the rain,”

“We’ll get soaked if we do,” Mom said.

“No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom’s arm.

This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?

“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ‘If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!”

The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn’t hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes.

Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child’s life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

“Honey, you are absolutely right. Let’s run through the rain. If GOD let’s us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing,” Mom said.

Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.

And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories…So, don’t forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.


Source Unknown


Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or many of the other familiar holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for the various holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Mother’s Translation

Four preachers were discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible.

  • One liked the King James Version best because of its simple, beautiful English.
  • Another liked the American Revised Version best because it was closer to the original Hebrew and Greek.
  • Still another liked a contemporary version because of its up-to-date vocabulary.
  • The fourth minister was silent for a moment, then said, “I like my mother’s translation best.”

Surprised, the other three men said they didn’t know his mother had translated the Bible. “Yes,” he replied. “She translated it into life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw.”

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day event or celebration in honor of mothers, as well as ideas for activities for a variety of other common holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Honoring Mother

Listen, my child, to what your father teaches you. Don’t neglect your mother’s teaching. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and clothe you with honor.
~~ Proverbs 1:8-9 (New Living Translation)

Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, “you will live along life, full of blessing.”
~~ Ephesians 6:1-3 (New Living Translation)

The Bible says that our responsibility as children in a family is to obey our parents. This is a command (not a suggestion) from God.


  • In what situations is it most difficult for you to obey your parents?
  • Why is obedience an important character trait?
  • How does obedience to your parents help you with your obedience to God?
  • What are some ways in which you can honor and show respect to your parents?
  • What are some things about your parents that you are thankful for?
  • What is God’s promise to those who are obedient to their parents?

Take it to the Next Level

  • God is your heavenly Father and he gave you to your Mom and Dad.
  • Give those circumstances when it is difficult to obey your parents to God in prayer. Ask for His guidance in overcoming your difficulty.
  • Seek God’s and your parents forgiveness for those times of disobedience and start afresh with your parents and Him.
  • Ask God to help you better understand the importance of obedience.
  • Look for a way to honor your parents, especially your Mother today!
  • Thank your parents for giving you guidance.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day activities as well as activities for other familiar holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for the various familiar holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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